Chapter 12.

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I turn my head to the side. No, I'm not. I'm not.

Her hand touches my cheek. She pulls my head back. 'You are.' She states. 'God, I wish you could see that.' She whispers again in my ear.

My arms are on both side of my body. I'm indeed trembling. She puts her body to the side of mine. Her hand lays on my stomach. Her head leans on her other hand.

She looks at me. I cuddle into her. My head against her chest. I hear her heart pounding. Steady and heavy.

I feel her hand on my back. Up.. Down.. Up.. Down..

Her hand lands on my cheek. She pulls me closer.

Her lips touch mine. A soft kiss planted on my lips. Soft. Lovable.

I stopped breathing for a second. She pulls away. 'Keep breathing, dear.' She chuckles.

I take a deep breath. I push my lips on hers. Passion. Sparkles fly trough my stomach.

She pulls away and pushes her forehead against mine. Eyes still closed. I breath out. I pull my arms around her middle. My nose in the crack of her neck. I breath in her parfume.

She pulls me closer. If that is even possible. She rolls on her back. I land on top of her. Still cuddling. She strokes my hair.

I love my life now. For a second I love my life.

I feel happy. 'Come on,' she the one who breaks the silence, 'let's eat those cookies you brought.'

'We can eat them later.' I say in her neck.

'But they are still warm now.' She states. She pushes me off her. Not the harsh way. But the gentle way. The way you push your cat of your lap when you need to pee. That's the way.

She grabs the cookies and crawls back in bed. She gives me a cookie and we eat in silence. We drink our coffee.

'We should get back,' she says, 'I don't want to but we have to.' She says while stroking my hair out of my face.

'I don't want to.' I state. It feels like we escaped reality. This morning was a nightmare for her. This morning I had a nightmare. But right now it feels like we are living the dream.

'I know.' She give me a gentle pack on the lips. 'But.' She kisses my nose. 'We.' My left cheek. 'Have.' My right cheek. 'To.' My lips again.

'Okay.' I breath out. 'Let's go.'

A half hour later we are back in the car. She drives this time. She holds my hand when we drive. She looks at me when she can.

She kisses my hand every once in a while. She squeezes my hand.

We pass the mountains again. 'Wait.' I say. She stops at the same spot as this morning. 'What's going on?' She gently asks. I open the door.

'What are you-' She yells. Those are the last words I hear before I close the door and run to the lake. On my way I undress myself. I run into the lake. I dive in. Seriously Callie?!

I hear the door open. She walks to the shore. 'Callie.' Her voice.

'The water is great.' I yell. I see her doubt it. But eventually she takes off her clothes and walks towards me. Her clothes next to mine. Neatly on a pile.

She stands behind me. She puts her arms around my waist. 'Hi.' She whispers.


Her head leans on my head. My hair is wet. Water surrounds us. I turn around and look up. Her eyes. Those eyes. Wow.

I kiss her cheek. 'Just for a little while.' I whisper. 'Okay.' She whispers back.

We stand there. Hugging. Feeling her warmth. My head on her chest.

I don't know how long we stood there but I came out of my trans when I feel a push. The next thing I know is the water inside my mouth. When I reach the surface I hear her laughing. I stand up. 'You, bitch.' I groan. She laughs harder.

She starts running. She isn't fast but neither am I. I splatter water on her back. She screams.

I laugh. I take a jump. I land on her back. I push her under water. We come up. She starts laughing. We both are.

After playing around for an hour we are both cold. We do the same thing as this morning. We sit in the car and smoke our cigarette. After that we drive back to town.

This day was beautiful. Today I was happy. This day is one to remember. The day she kissed me. The day we had fun. The day I loved life.

Sorry guys it took me so long to write! I had my drivers exam today and passed so I am very happy.

Have a nice day. Hope you liked this chapter❤️‍🩹

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