Wally x Neurodivergent/Overwhelmed Reader🧸

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Requested By- TransGachaKid

I'm very very sorry if the representation in this is off. The reader gets overwhelmed while settling into the neighborhood, Wally notices and provides comfort.

Your whole week has just been unpacking and moving around furniture, you barely went out of your house and you were exhausted. The only time you went out you went to a little shop, "Howdy's Place."

You had stepped on your paintbrush while you were busy finishing up painting your bedroom and it snapped, so you decided to go out and try to find a new one. Luckily, you had noticed the small shop on your way into the community. As you made your way through the colorful division you could hear laughter and shouting, but you just wanted to get through the day without breaking down. Who knew moving into a new home was so stressful?

'So much to do, so much to do..' You contemplated, biting your thumbnail as you walked into the store. As you grew up you started to over think things more and more, simple tasks grew stressful and you had breakdowns more often. You've learnt to deal with handling your emotions but stress is always peeking its ugly head just around the corner.

"Hello there! What are you looking for, Miss?" Said the clerk from behind the register, his name tag read Howdy so I assumed he was the one that owned the establishment. "Uhm, do you by chance have- paintbrushes..?" You asked taking your nail out of your mouth, giving him an awkward little smile.

He gave you a kind customer-service type smile in return as he came out from behind the register, guiding you through one of the aisles, he showed you the variety of the brushes, big and small. As you picked one up you heard the small bell on the door chime signaling someone entering. "Oh Howdy! Howdyyy!" Was heard echoing throughout the store and you looked up in confusion to see a small girl waving him over. She was blonde and the expression she held was hopeful and cheery, as she waved her hand around and jumped up and down.

It wasn't just her either, gee, there was quite a few people in the tiny store. All of a sudden you felt awkward, just standing there with  a paintbrush in your hand as you stared on at the group of people surrounding Howdy. You felt stupid as you just looked on. 'Am I intruding? What if they see me? Am I welcome here?'  Enough! You cleared your racing mind as you walked past all of them, eyes on the ground the entire time, and rushed up to the register. You placed the item down and got your wallet out, there was no price tag so you just stood there waiting to be rung up.

"Are you the new neighbor? We didn't expect to see you here so soon, welcome!" The girl from earlier spoke up, walking up to you with a smile on her face, "I'm Julie, Julie Joyful! Boy am I glad to see a new face around here!" She giggled, shaking your hand energetically. You looked at her, a little wide eyed as she looked at you with wonder. "Nice to meet you too, Julie. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." You responded with a small smile, you looked past her to study her friend group.

They all looked back with the same wonder on there faces, well almost all of them. There was a very tall dog, blue and he had colorful spots adorning him, a man that wore a sweater vest with a small frown in his face(the first thing you noticed about him was his nose, it was a little big), and another guy. A little on the shorter side but that's not what stood out about him. He just stared, it was a little eerie honestly, his eyes remained unblinking resembling no emotion as he looked on. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you immediately felt on edge, and you didn't have the courage to stare back.

The group started to walk in towards you, introducing themselves but it was like static running through your mind. The man had stopped staring and put on a smile as they all neared in, the chatter never seemed to cease. You knew they were trying to be friendly but honestly you just wanted to go home, you had too much work to do. "How are you liking the neighborhood? Is the new house coming along nicely? Your hairs very pretty! What's your favorite food?"

You felt surrounded, well- you kinda were. You bit your lip and you couldn't really focus on one thing at a time, your hands started to shake and you started to get sweaty, trying to answer everything. It was all too much. You started backing away opening your wallet as you did. You slammed a twenty down, a little hard too, making Julie flinch.

"I-I need to go." You stammered out as you closed the wallet and dashed out of the shop. You could hear the big dog calling out to you, Barbie? Barnaby? Whatever his name was. You raced home and as soon as you came in you slammed the door shut. Leaning against it and putting your hands in your hair, tugging a little. What made matters worse is you forgot that stupid paint brush. You groaned as you mentally beat yourself for how dumb you were. 'The brush is on the counter, that means I can't get done painting until late next week, I left such a bad impression on my new neighbors they must think I'm stuck up!'

Once again your emotions started getting the best of you, you made a fool of yourself running out of Howdy's like a little kid! You just sat there for a while, fat tears pouring out of your eyes. All that was heard was silence and your whimpers as you did nothing to stop the tears until.

*Knock Knock*

You went silent. You sniffled as you got up and pressed yourself against the door, looking through the peephole. You expected to see the small cluster of people you met at Howdy's but.. no. You saw him. The man that just stared at you while everyone else consumed your attention with their endless chatter, now that you thought about it, he hadn't said a word to you during the whole ordeal. You opened it and looked at him confused.

"I'm awfully sorry about my friends, neighbor. They mean well, they really do, but I guess it can be quite overwhelming at times." He said with a soft smile, his voice was soft as well, it was like a melody you found quite soothing, and in his arms were a small basket of apples as well as your paintbrush you had bought. He had picked it up for you after you avoided the rest of his friend group. He pushed the items towards you, "Ahem- here's my welcome gift to you, Y/n right?" He asked. You nodded and accepted the basket, "Yes, and- thank you, I'm awfully sorry for the way I acted in there. You all must think I'm a snob, haha.." You apologized. "Oh no! They understand that we all handle certain situations differently, they would like to meet you when you're ready." He explained, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving a gentle squeeze. "Wally, my names Wally Darling. I would've introduced myself but you just looked so... down!" He said pulling a handkerchief out of his breast pocket, wiping a few stray tears you had on your face. He also pulled out your twenty, you looked at him a little confused. "It's free, the paint brush is free." He said, smiling(he hadn't bothered to explain that everything in Howdy's was free, worried you would be concerned on how to pay Howdy back).

His soft tone and expression made you feel cozy, you felt safe. You looked around the house, it was a little messy some boxes here and there but you decided to invite him inside. It was around evening-ish so you invited him to stay for dinner, even though you aren't the best cook. Wally was very good at leading conversations, he talked about everyone and everything in the community. Soon all stormy thoughts in your mind started to clear, you both chatted about different things. Our favorite food, movies, songs, art(which is something I learned he was very good at), and just about anything.

Later you both settled down on the couch, putting on (your favorite movie) which you learned Wally liked as well. Your head on his shoulder and his arm comfortably around your waist, you two sure were close even though you met only a few hours prior but you both didn't seem to care. Quietly enjoying each others company, he then tilted your chin up to look at him(which had startled you a bit) and he smiled. "If you need help with the house I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand, and I'm sure the others would too." He said, kissing your forehead in a comforting manner. You stared at him for a few seconds, your cheeks turning a rosy color. You then smiled at him and flustered, you just put your head back on his shoulder and nuzzled into it.

"I would much rather see you like this than distressed, darling. It's getting a little late, get some sleep love." He murmured, stroking your hair as you started to doze off.

This is my first ever fic ahaha, I hope you all liked it(it's a bit wordy, sorry). Feel free to send any request you have into the request box and thank you for reading!

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