Wally x Scared Male Reader😵‍💫

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Requested by- Monaeloso

Y/n starts to avoid Wally as his feelings for the blue haired man grows, what will Wally do when he is finally aware of your desire for him?

As bad as you felt about it, you've avoided a certain blue haired, flirty, apple loving man like the plague for the last few days. Recently, you've come to terms with the fact you had grown feelings for Wally and everyone in the neighborhood seemed to know about it except for him! You've only known Wally for a few months but you two have grown close. His voice has lulled you to sleep after a nightmare before, he's cooked for you and you've the the same back, and you both have sleepovers set every Saturday... But what if he saw you as just a friend? That's why, you're going to avoid him until your feelings go away! The separation was temporary but necessary, you didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship just for the sake of your own heart after all.

So it was like that for the next few weeks, today there was a very close call. You and Frank were in his front yard admiring his garden as he gave you fun facts about butterflies and spider lilies. You both turned to see Eddie, Barnaby and Wally heading towards your direction, Wally and Barnaby accompanied him as he made his rounds. You were about to wave at Wally until... WAIT WALLY?! That was when you made possibly the worst decision of your life and jumped into a bush. You were tangled up in branches and flower petals were all over you as you coughed, one coming out of your mouth. The lively group thankfully hadn't noticed your little act and kept walking past Frank's. You heard a cough next to you and saw Frank, his face madly red and his stare directed toward Eddie. You spoke as he sighed and turned to you.

"You too, huh?"

Wally's Pov:

These days I've seen less of Y/n's bright smile and missed his presence dearly, he was always a delight to be around. I pouted as I passed by his house while conversing with Barnaby and Eddie as Eddie made his rounds delivering mail. We neared Franks house when he paused, Frank was outside and they both made direct eye contact with each other. Well... that was before Frank dove head first into a Lilac bush(little did Wally know you were there as well), Eddie tried to do the same but where was he trying to hide? We have no clue. I could hear Barnaby's loud cackles as Eddie mimicked Frank except he dove right into my mailbox... real smooth. Love makes people do crazy things.

Later that day I was at Howdy's, "Just one, please Howdy old pal?" I asked, leaning over the counter as one of his hands grasped my wrists, stopping me from reaching my one true love. "Wally, I'm cutting you off for a week- no- forever. You can't keep buying all my apple's!" He said, arguing back as Sally chuckled beside me. "Other people in the neighborhood like apple's too Y/n usually comes in to buy them but can't because you've already taken them all!" He scolded, his finger waving at me like I was a child. "Yeah, go ask Y/n for an apple. He'd probably give you one... Since your the apple of his eye!-" Sally was then cut off by one of Howdy's hands, covering her mouth as her muffled laughter filled the shop. "Sally! Why would you say that?! Wally don't listen her!" He turned to me, "What do you mean Sally?" Howdy was about to protest when she but his hand, he groaned in agony as he fell from behind the counter, "It was either going to be this or he was going to man up and tell you himself but... Y/n has the fattest crush on you but you've been so dumb to realize he's liked you back for probably as long as you liked him." She said as she leaned over the counter and grabbed two apples of the display, "Go after him, right now. Tell him how you feel before it's too late and share these. Got it?" She signaled to the apples and I nodded, still processing what I just heard...

Y/n's Pov

After the close call earlier, you've been moping ok your couch. You wondered if Wally even noticed a change, you two had been seeing less and less of each other but he had so many friends so you doubted it. The rain outside made your mood even worse, the drops rolled down the outside your windows in sad drops. You sighed as you turned towards the TV, some cheesy romance was playing, you obviously changed the channel.

"Y/n!! Y/n!" The voice in the back of your head called, even your own consciousness was telling you to hurry up and get over him. "Y/n! Y/n M/n L/n!" It called, louder. You groaned, but then paused. You realized the "voice" inside your head was actually coming from outside, in the freezing rain. You dashed to your door and barged onto your porch, Oh my goodness.

Oh, just one more chance to show that I love you

It was then you saw Wally standing outside your home, holding up a now unreadable sign as it was ruined by the rain. On the ground by his side was a radio blasting "I Want you Back," by the Jackson 5. His hair was ruined, obviously but it was obvious he tried to get ready because of the blue suit he wore. "Wally! What in God's name are you doing?!" You yelled over the heavy pouring rain. "Please stop avoiding me! I- I want to *achoo!* talk!" He yelled back, his puppy eyes seemingly getting bigger. You grabbed an umbrella you had in a holder by your door and walked out, turning off the radio and taking it with you, you grabbing him by the ear and dragged it inside.

That was how you ended up with a now sneezing, wet Wally sitting at your dinner table as you just looked at him with disappointment. "So... Barnaby out you up to this because...?" You asked. "He said this would help get you to like me... and- Sally said you were avoiding me." He pouted, shivering a little in the fluffy robe and heated blanket you gave him. His suit was drying and his sign and radio was left by your door. "And the sign...?" You asked, eyeing the soggy mess. "It was supposed to say, "You're the apple of my eye." But I guess it doesn't anymore huh.." He said as he pulled out two apples from his suit, setting them on the table with a huff.

"Wally... your a mess.." You said as you looked at him concerned. "Is it true you like me back?" He questioned as he looked at you with hope in his eyes. "What- who- who told you that?!" You stammered, taking an apple. He gave a small smile as he watched you take it, "Sally said you had feelings for me at Howdy's... do you?" He asked. Your face turned red as you looked at him, he honestly looked just adorable all curled up in your robe and puffy blanket. "Yeah... I have for a while now. What about you..?" I said peeking up at him as I took a bite of the fruit. "I've liked you for a while to! I've just been trying to find the right time to tell you Y/n.. I didn't expect it would be today so I rushed over to Barnaby's and he helped me do all this." He said.

"We're both just a mess, aren't we?" You asked, laughing a little as he smiled back. "So does that mean we're?" He questioned, leaning toward you. "Yes Wally, we're boyfriends." You said as you leaned as well and kissed him on his forehead which was still cold from the rain.

Thanks for reading!

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