Wally x Female Y/n👁️

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Requested By- Mia181803

You've been aware of Wally's strange habit of staring for a while, but that doesn't mean you've grown used to it. ‼️It gets a little... interesting at the end‼️

There it is again.. the unshakable feeling of eyes watching you. You didn't even have to turn around to find out it was Wally, none of the other neighbors had a 500 yard stare like he did. You enjoyed talking to him and enjoyed his company, but that weird blank stare with his eyes as large as saucers definitely puts you on edge.

It all started in Howdy's Place. You were at the checkout with Howdy, talking to him like you usually did as you placed your items on the counter. You heard the entrance door chime and in came Wally! You both greeted him and he greeted back with a smile and a wave, he immediately headed over to apple display Howdy had up and grabbed a few. The two of you were still gossiping, were Eddie and Frank dating? Or were they just really close? Who knows! That was when you felt the skin on the back of your neck standing up, you turned around and caught Wally staring at you with a blank stare. His eyes delving through your body as if you were his prey. His eyes showed no emotion and his gaze didn't stray as you looked back at him, most of the time if one person caught another looking the other would look away, right? Wally was a little different you see.

No matter who you were with or what you were doing, he just stared. And when you would talk to him he would be his cheery self! When ever he set his predatory gaze on you, it was like he was a different person. His vibe always changed and you felt the mood shift from joyful to chilling just like that. He spooks you quite a bit.

Tonight you were just laying sideways on your couch eating a tub of cotton candy ice cream and watching a horror movie you picked up from Howdy's. It certainly creeped you out because it reminded you of Wally, the antagonist would just stare at his victims before slaying them in cold blood, his face unreadable as he plunged a knife deep into their body. The movie was horrifying actually, you had to hide under the covers as you watched. The eyes of the killed burning holes into your eyes as they stared at the screen. You flinched as you heard a sharp knock at the door. The screams of a victim shrieked on your TV as you slowly got up, honestly, as dumb as it sounds you were a little scared to answer the door. You got up, ice cream in hand as you slowly crept up to the door. You guess you should've checked the peephole first because as soon as you opened the door...


You screamed, raising your arms up in pure terror as the tub flew out of your hands... Hitting Wally Darling in the face.

"Oh my god! I'm so so so so so so sorry!" You said, as he stared at you stunned. When you opened the door you were met with his eyes, large as saucers staring at you with his almost primal look. It certainly wasn't a good night to be watching a horror movie, especially since this was the effect it had on you.

"I guess I scared you quite a bit, huh neighbor?" He said, wiping ice cream off of him. "I'm sorry! Come in, please, I'll clean you up!" You said as you led him inside sitting him down on the couch as you paused the movie. He looked at you(still a little shocked) as you ran around your house grabbing towels.

Wally's Pov:

I come over to see my favorite neighbor and what do I get? A bucket of what seems to be cotton candy flavored ice cream to the face. As Y/n sat me down on her couch I sat amused as she ran around like a chicken with her head cut off grabbing me items to clean up the mess.

I've known for quite a while that I made her nervous. At first I had stared at her just to admire her, but now I do it to make her squirm. I enjoyed seeing her make direct eye contact with me and then look away as if she hadn't seen, nibbling on her lip. The cherry on top was her freaking out as soon as she saw me standing at her door, I had come over to be with her, I thoroughly enjoyed her company.

What I didn't expect was to have her hands roaming my body, as she wiped my face of she carelessly placed her hand on my thigh, to focused on cleaning me up.

"Y/n.." I said as my eyes glinted with desire, I leaned in toward her, my face inches away from hers. "Do I... make you nervous?" I said with a teasing tone.

Y/n's Pov

The sudden shift in the mood completely threw me off, I went from cleaning Wally's face up to him basically on top of me. I panicked and tried to inch away but the edge of my couch trapped me as he leaned over my body. "N-not particularly, when you stare at me, it is a bit.. chilling" You said unsure of yourself as you looked into his eyes. "So you're aware hmm?" He asked, his tone made you squirm and his proximity didn't help. One. Bit. "It's a little hard to shake off, haha..." You awkwardly laughed as he smirked.

"Am I the only one that makes you feel like this?" He said, as he pressed against you. "M-mhm.." You said, nodding your head a little. "Good." He teasingly said as he pressed his lips to yours.

Your eyes widened as he pulled you closer, your mouth opened to say something but you felt his tongue invaded your mouth, exploring it. His tongue tasted like apples, and he smelled like mint. You felt dizzy as his tongue danced with yours. You started to lean into it, kissing him back with a new found vigor, but then he pulled away.

"Y/n, listen to me sweet thing because I'm gonna say this once," He said out of breath and loosening his signature neck scarf.

"Only I can make you feel this way, understood?" He let out, voice husky and breathless.

Thanks for reading!

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