Possessive Wally x Nonbinary Reader🎨

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Requested By- riversofmidnight

You and Barnaby have been hanging out quite a bit, Wally doesn't seem all to pleased with that. *Established relationship*

You thought Barnaby was a very entertaining guy, with his big floppy ears, his cheery and hilarious personality, and his way of knowing what to say at just the right times, what's not to love? To you he's a big love able goofball who just wants to make people laugh.

It's been quite some time since you moved into the neighborhood, getting to know everyone was quite fun. So many bright personalities in one place! You loved living in the community, especially since you were able to meet Wally. He's just the sweetest guy you've ever met, he was the one who initially showed you around and introduced you to your neighbors. After meeting, you two became closer and closer, you shared the same interests and hobbies so you were basically inseparable, always being in one place with another. What went from small picnics with all your friends, painting and sketching together, and hanging out like buddies would your relationship delved deeper into more one on one time together, cuddling and movie dates, sending silly little love letters to one another, and sleepovers that ended with you both lovingly looking into each others eyes as he whispered sweet nothings into your ears.

Of course you liked hanging out with everyone else! Barnaby was no exception, and all the jokes and silly antics you two did together made being friends all the more fun.

Today you both were out picking flowers, you wanted some fresh air and after going out and seeing Barnaby, he decided to tag along! 'The more the merrier!' You thought as you both went about chatting and picking pretty tulips and lilies. But... you couldn't help but feel something off about the whole situation, you felt like you were being watched, monitored.

Wally's Pov:

I set down my paintbrush when I realized Y/n was gone, I hadn't realized they left Home until I noticed Home was awfully quiet. So I decided to go find them! I was always wanting to spend time with my beloved after all. So I took off my apron and bid Home goodbye as I set out.

'If I was Y/n what would I be doing...' I thought as I strolled through the neighborhood, waving to Eddie as he passed by making his rounds as the community's official mail courier. "Have you seen Y/n at all today?" I asked him with a smile and he stopped and pondered. "If I remember correctly, I might've seen them and Barnaby running off into the woods together while I passed by Sally's." He said with his hand resting in his chin. Oh! Well we can't have that now can we?

I said my goodbyes from Eddie as I moved on, my smile fading from joyful to a deep scowl and I made my way towards the woods. Barnaby is one of my dearest friends but recently, he seems to be drawn towards Y/n. Always trying to make them laugh and acting like a total goof just to make them smile. It angered me. The thought of sharing Y/n's attention with someone else made my mind tick, they are mine after all. As I stalked deeper and deeper into the forest surrounding the neighborhood I could hear rustling and laughter.

Ah, there they are.

Y/n's Pov:

You clutched the assortment of flowers you had in your hand as you both started walking back towards home, these flowers would definitely make Wally happy! They were all sorts of colors that would make wonderful painting material. The feeling of being watched hadn't gone away but you shook it off, you felt silly feeling concerned during a fun outing with a friend. You and Barnaby headed back to the neighborhood with him cracking jokes that made you grin. You giggled at his antics, but then you both heard something. A twig snapping perhaps? *It was Wally snapping a tree in half with his eyes since yknow- that's kinda how he eats* And you both stopped, listening to natures sounds.

Just then you felt hands on your waist, picking you up. It was Wally! He twirled you around and gave you a hug, his cologne filled your nose as you embraced him back. "Y/n! How are you love?" He beamed at you as he set you down, staring at the flowers you had in your arms. "Wonderful! Barnaby and I have been out picking these, would you like to reference them with me? They would look pretty on a canvas!" You happily asked, not noticing the shift in his eyes as he looked over to Barnaby.

"Great day ain't it Wally? I thought getting some fresh air would do me well today!" He said tipping his hat to Wally. "Certainly is, aren't you working on a new act?" Wally asked, putting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "You must be busy working on it, we wouldn't want to bother you." He continued, eyes glinting with some sort of emotion and he gave him a smile, although his eyes didn't seem to follow. "It's no issue at all! I always love hanging out with Y/n- *Crack!*" The comedian was cut short by a tree falling(definitely not caused by Wally) not to far away from us as we all were a little startled, well almost all of us.

"Oh my! It seems it's not safe here in the forest, what if we end up under one, what would we do then hmm?" Wally said, "concerned" as he pulled you away from the wreck. "Bye now, Barnaby!" He said, smiling at him with dark eyes unbeknownst to you. Barnaby was- on edge to say the least he had noticed Wally's demeanor shifting earlier but hadn't payed any mind to it, maybe his pal was just in a bad mood! But as you waved him goodbye, still pressed against Wally's side and you turned around he saw Wally staring back at him. Not a glare or an innocent stare, an eerie, blank faced, unnerving stare. One that made him have goosebumps. It was like a warning, challenging him to cross the line, and he knew exactly what it was about.

As you and Wally headed back to Home he cooed at the flowers you picked, you just smiled up at him with the most innocent look in your eye that made his knees feel weak. He decided he was going to let Barnaby off the hook, just this once since they are friends after all. But he'll be damned if he lets you stray from his grasp. You are Y/n Darling after all.

I didn't really want to make Wally outwardly possessive, I feel like he would work behind the scenes to make sure people knew you were his. Well, until it became to much. Then he might let his true colors show. Thanks for reading!

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