Wally x Sick Female Reader🤒

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Requested By- Mikaisaslayingqueen

Recently there's been a cold going around the neighborhood, sadly, you've caught it. Wally takes care of you!

"Oh dear, you're temperature is so high! What are we gonna do with you, hmm?" Wally pondered as he took the thermometer out of your mouth. You groaned as you looked up at him, your hair was a mess, your eyes were puffy and watery, and you kept sniffling. You were laid onto the couch as he scolded you. "Honestly Y/n, why did you decide to hang out with Julie if you knew she was sick? Everyone has a cold right now and nows not the best time to be around the rest of the neighborhood!" He tutted as you kicked off the blanket. "She wanted to do my hair..." You pouted, making grabby arms directed towards the blanket immediately after kicking it off as you got cold. Wally groaned picking up the blanket once again, this was the fifth time you yanked it off and demanded to have it back, you were hot then cold, hot then cold again. 'This is gonna be a long week...' Wally thought.

It was a few days later and you were curled up in a warm heated blanket. You sighed as it fell off you, your body too tired to even move "*Achoo!* Wally...! *cough cough* The blanket... fell.." You(kind of) yelled from the couch, an episode of (favorite show) playing. "I'm busy right now darling! You requested some soup, remember?" He yelled back from the kitchen. A few minutes later he came into the living room, wearing a "Kiss the Cook" apron that he bought for you with matching red oven mitts. He picked the blanket back up and wrapped it around you, a small sigh as he did. You will admit you did feel bad, Wally had to take care of you while you were sick and you obviously weren't in the right state to return the favor. "I'll be back with your soup okay love?" He said as he kissed your forehead.

A few moments late you were happily eating the spoon fed soup as you sat up, Wally wiping some off your chin. "Is it good? Poppy taught me how to make it." He spoke as he fed you another spoonful. "Mhm! Thank you Wally, it makes me throat feel a lot better!" You exclaimed. "That's wonderful Y/n, how about we take some medicine now okay?" He said getting up once the bowl was empty, he went into the bathroom and grabbed some cold syrup from the small shelf and measuring the right amount into the cup. "Mmm, no.. that stuff tastes so bad.." You groaned shoving your face into the pillow. You heard a sigh before you felt a hand on your head petting it. "How are you gonna get better if you don't take your medicine, sweet thing? You can do it I know you can..." He said kissing your head and kneeling beside you. You peeked up and saw the medicine along with a cup of water on your coffee table. You drank both and grunted, the bitter taste filling your mouth so you downed the water right after. "Good girl Y/n... see? It wasn't that hard was it?" He cooed.

Later that night you were curled up with Wally on the couch, your head in his lap as you two watched some weird baking show. "You're gonna get sick if you keep hanging around me like this y'know..." You muttered into his thigh. "It's worth it if that means I get to spend time with you, Y/n. You'll take care of me if I get sick right?" He said as you rose up from the couch and hugged him as you put your head on his shoulder. "Of course I will, I'll always be there for you my love." You said looking up at his eyes as he stared back, a dreamy look of his face. It was then he leaned in, eyed closed. He was about to kiss you, you leaning in as well but then.


You sneezed... right onto his face... You looked at him in horror as his eyes widened. 'I can't believe I just did that...'

The next day you got better! There was one minor setback though... you got Wally sick as well...

"*Cough cough! It- it's alright Y/n. I was the one that tried to kiss you!" Wally exclaimed as you profusely apologized to him, it was now your turn to take care of him.

Wally watched as you ran around Home grabbing stuff for him, you snatched blankets, pillows, apples, anything you could find. He smiled to himself, he didn't mind being sick. As long as you were there for him he was happy to be with you. No matter the situation he enjoyed your presence.

Thanks for reading!

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