Wally x Injured Female Reader🩹

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Requested By- Mia181803

The reader gets sprains their ankle slipping on cake batter, for Wally it's like the end of the world.

You really enjoyed baking with your boyfriend Wally, you had quite the sweet tooth after all. Today you two busied yourselves in Wally's kitchen baking a cake! It was going pretty well so far, the frosting was coming together nicely and you had just put the first layer in the oven. You were the first to initiate a small war, you both would whip small amounts of cake batter at each other and giggle like children. Ding, ding, ding! The fight had gone on for a few minutes until the first layer was finished. As you walked over to the oven, ready to take the cake out. You slipped.



Okay so. The screaming wasn't you, in fact it was Wally. As soon as you fell he shrieked and rushed over to you, he then picked you up and ran out of Home. It was a few minutes later you found yourself laying on the counter of Howdy's Place while Wally was running around the entire store getting all sorts of medical equipment. Howdy just stared at you as you stared back with a blank face.

"Okay, okay! STAY WITH ME Y/N!!" Wally yelled as he rushed over placing the items down on the counter. "Wally, love, I'm sure it's just a sprain." You sighed, trying to calm a now panicking Wally down. All the noise had drawn over Poppy who looked very concerned as she came in. "What if it's broken and gets infected?! You could get even more injured than you already are!" He said as he held your hand, pure panic in his eyes. "Wally, it's not an open wound, sugar, she won't get an infection." Wally looked over to Poppy with a doubtful face but still seemed to calm down none the less. While Wally was fussing up a storm Howdy got to wrapping your ankle and placing ointment on it. Once he was done you apologized to Howdy for your boyfriend causing a ruckus and you two left.

The next two weeks was full of Wally doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING for you.

"Wally- I can walk you know!" You said as he carried you to the kitchen. All you said is you were a little hungry and wanted to eat the cake you two finished the day of the accident. "Hush, darling. What if you fall again, what would I do then hmmm?" He cooed as he guided you over to the table and set you down. You watched as he got the cake and milk and set it down in front of you, then got silverware. "Thank you- hmph!" You got cut off by a fork full of cake being stuffed into your mouth. "Wally I can feed myself! I don't even need to use my ankle to eat cake!" You yelled, although finding the situation humorous as well. "But what if you sprain your wrist? Then what would I do hmmm?" He said, repeating what he always said whenever you begged to do something yourself with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. This man is gonna be the death of you.

A few days later you were healed! After two weeks of Wally helping you eat, walk, drink, and even fix your hair you were finally free! You loved the man dearly, you did, but he acted like you were on the verge of death! You were laying on your couch at your house as you watched (favorite movie or television series). A few moments later you heard a knock at your door. You opened it and your smile fell when you saw Wally being carried bridal style by Howdy. A cast on his ankle and a pout on his face. Howdy had a, 'why am I not even surprised,' face as he said, "He tried to climb the apple display."

Looks like it was your turn to take care of your beloved.

Wally is so silly. Thanks for reading!

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