Wally x Chubby Female Reader🪄

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Requested by- EeveeTheVAPokemon

"No... no.. ugh no!" You muttered to yourself as you sorted through all your clothes. You hair and makeup? Perfect. The only problem was finding an outfit that you wanted to wear tonight. "Darling, are you almost ready to go? The reservation is good until 30 minutes." Wally said concerned as he walked into your bedroom. "Yeah.. just- just give me a minute Wally, I need to find an outfit first.." You said as you rummaged through your closet and drawers. "Alright.. model some for me. I'd like to help you pick!" He said as he sat down on your vanity chair, a calm smile on his face as you turned to him unsure. "But..." you said, avoiding eye contact. "Hmmm?" He responded, crossing his legs and placing an elbow on his eye with a hand on his chin, big puppy dog eyes stared at you with curiosity. How could you refuse him?

You tried on a dress, it was white and it hugged your body. You bit your lip as you shook your head. You tried on a red dress, it also hugged your body. "N-not this one either.." You said, your eyes avoiding his as you took it off. You tried on a navy blue one, much like the dress shirt he was wearing! 'Why are all these dresses hugging my body?!' You contemplated, looking in the mirror as you closed your eyes, sighing. "What's wring with that one, love?" He said as he got up. "I just... I don't like how I look in it.." You said, tearing up a bit. You hated getting emotional but your figure frustrated you, you hated being judged and people's eyes on you made you feel weak.

"But, you look amazing in it Y/n, we match don't we?" He said as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you two stared at the full length mirror. "B-but my body- I-" He then cut you off, "What about it? You look absolutely stunning, sweet thing, you have absolutely nothing to worry about." He said kissing your shoulder. You sniffled as you turned to look at him, he was a little surprised as you looked, small tears falling out of your eyes. "Aw, come here pretty girl." He cooed, spreading his arms out as you embraced him, lightly crying into his shoulder. "I don't know why your sad, you have absolutely nothing to be down about." He spoke, cupping your face and kissing your forehead. "It- it's just I don't like how I look in those tight clothes, I just look so bad.." You muttered into his neck.

He ushered you over to the vanity, sitting you down. Tears still ran down your face as you looked into the mirror confused. He pulled out a handkerchief as he began wiping them away. "You hair is gorgeous, it's beautiful and lines your face perfectly," He said kissing you on the cheek, "You big doe eyes make me feel weak to the knees every time you look at me, I can see my whole life in them." You stopped sniffling and listened to every word he said, you looked at you with a soft smile as he complimented you and petted your hair. "Your freckles, lips, and rosy cheeks are absolutely adorable. You look like an angel, my dear. Your so sweet and kind to everyone, your the love of my life, Y/n. You smell sweet, like strawberries and pie and you never fail to surprise me time and time again with your lovely features." You cheeks turned a deep red as you stared at him as he rambled about you, Wally always had a way with words.

"And your body, it's beautiful, it doesn't matter what size you are I'll love you for you. You look amazing in whatever you choose to wear and your body is a temple love, cherish it. Don't ever try to live up to someone else's standards." He said as he once again embraced you with a back hug. You both stayed like that for a few minutes, lovingly looking into each others eyes as he whispered sweet praises.

"Wally, what about the reservation..?" You said, eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Forget the reservation Y/n, I'm gonna make tonight all about you." He said, his lips landing onto yours.

Thanks for reading!

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