Wally x Nonbinary Swan Reader🦢

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Requested By- TransGachaKid

A bird puppet moves into the neighborhood! Wally is the first to greet them. *Reader is also a dancer because every time I think of swans I think of the Swan Lake Ballet!*

Wally's Pov:

There had been some talk going around the neighborhood about a new addition! We all had noticed the new house built by Poppy's but we hadn't seen anyone going in or out. It was only a few days after we saw the house, while I was out with Frank in his garden as he talked about butterflies I noticed it. I caught glimpse of the neighbor heading back inside their home, I hadn't seen them come out but as they were heading in I noticed a feathery, white tail. "E-excuse me Frank.. I must be going now.." Wally said, dazed(mans is entranced) as he ran towards your house leaving a shocked Frank behind.

Y/n's Pov:

I had just come back from picking up the mail, I had gotten new pointe shoes, something I was very excited about, I was eager to break them in. I had moved into the neighborhood a few days ago but was busy unpacking so I hadn't been able to get outside much. I was too busy setting up a small dance studio, one with wooden floors, lots of mirrors, and my trophies lining up the walls. I was very happy with how it turned out! I was fixing myself up some Lemongrass tea when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see a man, he blue hair that was fixed up and he was wearing slightly casual attire,  a tad bit fancy. You two just stared at each other, you didn't want to say anything, you feared you would accidentally honk or say something funny. The man on the other hand just stared, his eyes glazed over, mouth a little open, and his expression a bit.. shocked? You giggled as you waved a hand in front of his face. "Hello..?"

Wally's Pov:

I don't know what came over me but when they opened that door it was like I was in a trance. Their flowing white clothing, dark colored doe eyes, tail that looked delicate and lustrous left me shocked. Their glowing, silk like skin made them look as if they were an angel. I've always found swans to be quite beautiful, pure white and graceful. "Hello..? U-uhm are you okay?" They asked, unsure. Their voice was smooth and pleasing- Oh! They're talking to me. "Sorry neighbor, it's just that your quite the looker.." I said, taking their hand and kissing it. I felt the need to put in a heavy amount of charm to gain their attention. Their face flushed, turning a soft pink as I just smiled at them, they opened their mouth like they were about to speak to me but hesitated. "I- uhm.. I- *chirp!*" My eyes widened and so did theirs, they covered their mouth and turned away trying to close the door. Before the door shut I stuck my foot in.

Y/n's Pov:

I can't believe I just chirped at him! His weird hand kiss just made me so embarrassed and I didn't know what to say! I quickly shut my mouth as I pushed closed the door, I can't believe I just did that. But before I could shut it all the way the strange mans foot blocked it, "I-it's alright! I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, neighbor." He said with an awkward laugh as I opened the door once again. I signaled him to come inside, I did feel a bit bad for trying to shut it on him for a silly reason. "I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." I said as we walked inside, he smiled at me. "I'm Wally Darling, it's nice to have you neighbor!"

You sat him down on the couch as you fetched drinks, you made the two of you Lemongrass tea and he took it, "Thank you.. your house is very lovely!" He said looking at you. "Thank you, Wally.." You responded. You noticed the whole time he was there it was like he was observing you, his eyes bored holes into you. You couldn't keep eye contact with him as he stared at you with wonder. "W-would you like to, *chirp!* Tv?" You said awkwardly pointing over to your television. He smiled and nodded, you switched it on and continued watching your recording of Swan Lake, something you liked to watch ever since you were a young cygnet. "I noticed you also have pointe shoes," he remarked as he pointed to your new pair over on the coffee table. You nodded as tapped his hand, you guided him over to your studio. He stood there amazed, your face turned a little red as he pointed to your trophies, "You should dance for me sometime, Y/n, with all these trophies you must be very good!" He smiled.

You let out a breathy laugh, "I have been *chirp!* dancing since I was a cygnet, what about you? What are your *chirp!* hobbies?" "I like to paint, art helps me calm down, you know? I'm sure dancing makes you happy, art makes me happy." He said as he looked into your eyes, admiration glinting in his.

You both walked back over into the living room, you explained to him that you had a hard time speaking properly due to your habit of chirping and honking, and he just listened. Not only was Wally good at listening he knew just what to say to make me smile and laugh. The sweet, serene music of Swan Lake played as you two talked, seemingly all night.

And your friendship bloomed! You two grew closer and closer over the months and you got to know the neighborhood as well. Everyone was so kind and being best friends with Wally made it all the more fun. Now, you two were right back to where you started, on your couch cuddled up your head on his shoulder and his hand on your thigh as you breathed in his cologne. Swan Lake playing in the background, of course. You drifted off to sleep, the soft melody lulling you and before you drifted off you felt a kiss against you hair.

"Chasing after you is like a fairytale, darling."

Wally you charmer!🤭 Thanks for reading!

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