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3rd person pov.
Rei Todoroki has been in labor for the past couple hours in the hospital with her husband Enji Todoroki (Endeavor). They are expecting a little boy they will name Shoto Todoroki. Who will become Enji's successor to rise up and take the mantle of number one hero and surpass All Might, the current number one hero. Enji has been trying to surpass All Might himself for as long as he can remember, to no avail. So with the newest addition to the Todoroki family, Enji will train his newest son to use his power to perfection, and bring his dream to life in the future through Shoto.

Enji's pov.
This delivery is taking too long! These doctors are incompetent! It's been 3 hours and still no baby! I hope I'd doesn't take much longer, Touya has been reckless lately and I need to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Doctor:"Alright Just one more push and you'll be able to meet your new baby boy! You got this!"



Doctor:"Congratulations! Shoto looks like a very healthy baby boy!"

I took shoto and held him for Rei to rest. He looks like he will be a powerful child. He's got half white and half red hair and he's got one blue and one brown eye. Maybe he will get two quirks. I sense great potential in this boy!


What now?!

"What's going on Doctor?!"

Doctor:"It looks like there is another baby. He is almost out. Just one more big push!"


Baby #2:"Waaahhh!"

What on earth I thought we were only getting one child, not two! We don't need two kids! Shoto looks more promising than the runt this doctors holding!

Doctor:"Congratulations on baby number two! What would you like to name this young one?"

Rei:"I think we should name him Izuku."

Oh no, now she's going to get attached. We don't need Izuku! Shoto is plenty!

Doctor:"Alright! Here you go, Mrs. Todoroki. Izuku is such a nice name for a handsome boy like him."

Rei:"Thank you sir."

Doctor:"No problem ma'am! You will be able to go home in a few hours, after we heal you up."

~Time skip to after they arrive home~

"Rei! There is no need for two newborn babies! One is more than enough! I see great potential in Shoto, Izuku is just a runt he won't ever become the number one hero!"

Rei:"But Enji, Izuku is only a baby. We won't know for sure until he grows up a little bit."

"My gut is telling me he won't amount to anything and my gut is never wrong! We will get rid of him tonight!"

Rei:"But Enji, him and Shoto are too attached to separate them! They will feel like something is missing their entire lives. We can't do this to them, it's just not right."

"I can and I will! I don't care what is right! I will get rid of Izuku tonight!"

3rd person pov.
Rei is devistated that Enji isn't willing to wait a few years to see how their son, Izuku, will turn out. For all Enji knows Izuku could turn out like their other three kids, Shoto on the other hand looks promising.

Later that night Rei wrapped Izuku up in his baby blanket and wrote a note with his name on it for him to read in the future. Enji took izuku and the letter and put them in a box. Enji then walked a few blocks away and put him in an alleyway.
———————————————————————————————————————————————————Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Izuku Todoroki'!

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