Quirky Birthday Part 2

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Note from the author: "I'm going to continue writing this story in 3rd person and with left centered text. I find it's easier to write. If for some reason you don't like it, please let me know and I'll return to my old way of writing. Now onto the chapter!"

3rd Person pov.
The Bakugo family had just arrived at Yamada-Aizawa household for Izuku's fourth birthday party. Izuku was bursting with excitement for two reasons. One, he was getting to see his best friend Kacchan, and two, he can't wait to tell him what his quirk is. As soon as Kacchan walks through the door Izuku gives him a big hug and they both topple to the ground.

"What was that for?!" Kacchan shouts, trying to get back up from the floor.

"I'm just excited to see you!" Izuku replies while jumping to his feet. " Guess what, Kacchan!" He adds.

"What Izu?" Kacchan asks

"I found out what my quirk is!!" Izuku shouts with excitement.

"Really?! What is is?!" Kacchan asks.

"It's called Ruthless Flame! I can control fire and I can even use it to teleport, heal, breathe fire, create animals, and I can control the temperature of my flames!"

"That's so cool!" Kacchan said. Secretly he was pouting, he was pouting because he didn't feel his own quirk was cool compared to Izuku's. He can't do any of that stuff, so he was becoming jealous. Even though he was jealous, he vowed to train his own quirk, and become strong enough to stand side by side with Izuku.

"When we get older we should have our own agency together! We could call ourselves The Wonder Duo! We'd be the best pro's out there!"

"Yeah!" Kacchan replied.

They all began to gather in the family room to chat and open presents. Izuku sat in the middle of the room and the Bakugos sat on the couch. Aizawa and Hizashi insisted on standing to take pictures, videos, and help with presents. The staff at UA gave Aizawa a lot of presents for Izuku. The staff insisted on getting videos and pictures of him opening the gifts, they just love the little bean. All together Izuku probably had 20 different gifts.

"Alrighty, little man! Here are your presents from us!" Hizashi said while handing Izuku two wrapped gifts.

Izuku ripped right through the wrapping paper and opened the boxes. He gasped once he saw what was inside.

"It's a Present Mic and Eraserhead hoodie! I love them!" Immediately he put on one of the hoodies. He chose to wear the one with Eraserhead on the front.

"I'm glad you like them! We also got them fireproofed last minute so you won't burn through them!" He said while giggling.

"Here open mine Izuku!" Kacchan said. He held out a big box which was wrapped in All Might wrapping paper. I took the gift and unwrapped it. When I opened the box, I was met  with ten different pro hero themed notebooks, along with a big pack of hero themed pencils! They are so cool!

"I love them Kacchan! Thank you!" Izuku shouted, jumping with excitement.

"Now you have more stuff for your hero analysis obsession." Kacchan said.

*Izuku giggled*

"Actually, I've got one more gift for you." Kacchan said. He pulled out a small white box and handed it to Izuku.

"*gasp* Kacchan, I love them!" Izuku said while getting teary eyed. When he opened it he found two bracelets. They weren't just any bracelets either. They were friendship bracelets. One said Kacchan with orange and black beads, and the other said Izuku with red and black beads.

"I thought you could have the one with my name and I could have the one with yours." Kacchan said.

Izuku handed him his bracelet and he himself put his on immediately. Izuku loved his friendship bracelet. He promised himself he would never take it off.

Izuku tore through his other presents one by one, and he loved every single one of his gifts. He had received a fire proofed hero costume to play in from Power Loader , a chess board from Nezu, a laptop from Ectoplasm, Snipe got him 2 water guns, Vlad King got him 5 shirts with hero's on them, Thirteen got him a red sleeping bag and a stuffed Pomeranian, and Midnight got him a Nintendo Switch and 4 games.

"Hey, Kacchan, this kinda looks like you!" Izuku giggled while holding up his new stuffed Pomeranian.

"Does not!" Kacchan yelled while popping miniature explosions.

"Ah!" Izuku yelled, running away and giggling.

"Oh no you don't, get back here!!"Kacchan yelled back while running after Izuku.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Izuku Todoroki'!

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