The Kaminari's

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3rd Person POV.

"Hello?" Aizawa said, answering his phone.
-"Hello this is Mrs. Kaminari. Izuku's teacher. I was talking to Izuku the other day and I think he would get along great with my son Denki. Do you think he would be up for a playdate?"-
"Oh I'm sure he'd enjoy that. I'll ask him real quick." Aizawa replied. He shouted for Izuku who ran in quite quickly.

"Would you like to have a playdate with Mrs. Kaminari's son?" Izuku's eyes lit up at the sound of possibility making another friend. Aizawa gave a small smile, taking that as a yes.

"Yes he would." Aizawa replied to Mrs. Kaminari.
-"Great! Would noon be ok with you? I'll pick him up."-
"Yep, sounds good. I'll have him ready for when you get here."
-"Thank you! Bye!"-

Aizawa hung up mumbling to himself.~Sounds like another loud blond~ he shivered at the thought.

"Alright, you better go get ready. Maybe Mrs. Kaminari's son would like to play with some of your action figures." Aizawa said.

Izuku squeeled, running to his room. He stuffed as many toys in his bag as he could. He was determined to make this one  the best play dates he's ever had. He threw in some action figures, art supplies, his electronic toy cars and a few movies. When everything was in his bag he zipped it up and tried to pick it up. Key word is 'tried'. He couldn't even lift it off the ground so he opted to drag it instead. He pulled it backwards through the hallway to meet back up with his dad. It took him a while, his best guess is that his bag weighed at least 20 pounds.

"Hahaha!! Izu would you like some help?" Hizashi asked.

"Yes please!" Izuku giggled out.


Once they all had arrived at the Kaminari household Izu could barely contain his excitement. He was looking forward to making another friend and hoped it went well. As soon as Aizawa had unbuckled him he bolted to the front door of their home practically vibrating with excitement. Hizashi knocked on the door and shortly after it had opened to reveal a young boy with short yellow hair.

"Gaaassspppp! Your here! Your really here!" Young Kaminari yelled filled with happiness. Izuku giggled at his reaction.

"Oh, come in! Come in!" Mrs. Kaminari said opening the door wider allowing  them all to enter their home.

"Thank you all for coming Denki has been extremely excited about meeting your son. He hasn't been able to make too many friends at school." She says sadly. She gets a little closer to Aizawa and Hizashi and whispers." He's a very nice young boy but sometimes he gets picked on due to him not being as smart as everyone else."

Aizawa and Hizashi are a little hurt to hear this. They know that some just learn at a different pace. " Of course! Izuku has been bouncing off the walls out of excitement all morning!" He says with a small laugh. " sometimes all young children need is a little curriculum adjustment. Some learn at a different pace than the rest and that's ok." Hizashi adds, careful not to be too loud.

"Thank you! Oh and would you like to stay for lunch?" Mrs Kaminari asks.

"Oh no, but thank you for the offer me and Hizashi are going to go to this cat cafe not too far from here." Aizawa says, eager to see all the fluffy cats again and have a nice hot cup of his favorite black coffee. Extra dark.

"Oh that sounds lovely! You two have a great time!" She replies.

"Thank you! Oh and we will be back at 4 to pick up Izuku! I figured that would give them both plenty of time to enjoy themselves!" Hizashi informed as they left their home.


Giggling could be heard all up and down the halls as the two young children played heroes and villains, taking turns as to not make each other feel bad. Soon they flopped on the couch breathing heavily, exhausted from playing with cars and running around.

"Hey, did you say you brought movies?" Denki asked.

"Oh! Yes! I brought The Rise of All Might, The Lord of Fire and a really old movie called Frozen." Izuku says secretly hoping to watch Frozen. He doesn't know why but he feels like it is speaking to him.

"Ooooo! Let's watch Frozen, I've never seen that one before!" Denki replied.

Izuku hopped off the couch and put the movie in and got an idea.

"Would you want to color while we watch it?" He asks.

"Oh! That sounds fun I'll go get my stuff!" Denki says running to his room. He returns shortly with a large bucket of crayons some broken in half and others are brand new, and a thick stack of coloring books. He lays them out for them to each pick one to color and they start the movie. Eventually, it comes time for Izuku to get picked up and they were both disappointed. They had so much fun and didn't want it to end!

"Izu, it's time to pack up we are going to meet up with the Bakugos for dinner tonight." Aizawa says in hopes of getting Izuku to leave.

"Okaaayyy" Izuku says as he packs up his stuff. Once he's all packed up he says goodbye to the Kaminari family and they all head to the Bakugos.


Over the next 10 years Denki, Izuku and Katsuki start growing closer together and develop their quirks. Neither of them are very good at controlling them at first but with the help of Aizawa they are practically pros in just enough time to take the Entrance Exams for UA.


( Authors Note: "I greatly Apologize for not writing in so long! I'm a 20 year old grade school grad now and I've got a job in the healthcare field. It had been a bit too much for me to handle so I stopped writing but I'm getting into a routine so I'm hoping to start writing again but it may only be one chapter every week or two. Thank you for loving this story it means a lot! Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Oh and P.S. I did skip forward at the very last bit of this chapter. I apologize for doing so but I was beginning to run out of ideas and I hope that skipping in time will help me write more. Once again thank you for reading this story! And suggestions are welcome!")

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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