Settling In

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Hizashi pov.
I just woke up from a great night of sleep. I roll out of bed, being mindful of izuku sleeping in the middle, and head to the kitchen to start some pancakes, as well as making some coffee for Sho'. While the pancakes are cooking, I grabbed some strawberries, blueberries, and the cutting board and start chopping away at the fruit. A few moments later, I flip the pancakes and once they are done, I place them on plates, as well as putting the fruit on top. Then for a little garnish I sprinkle powdered sugar on them. After I put the plated food on the table, I made Izu's bottle, and head into the master bedroom to wake the beast.

"Sho'..... Hey Sho'."

Aizawa:"What, you overgrown cockatoo."

"Breakfast is ready"

Aizawa:"Mmmmm.... I'll eat later."

"I made coffffeee~"

After that was said, Shota groaned, quickly and carefully grabbed Izuku, then made his way to the kitchen in search of his coffee. When we sat down, I took Izu from Shota, to feed him while I ate.

"After we eat, we should start decorating Izu's room. The furniture we had shipped should be here in an hour or so."

Aizawa:"Ok... you know what I just realized?"


Aizawa:"We didn't buy a car seat or a dresser."

"Oh no! Your right! Well, I'll order one and pay for the fastest shipping possible. It, hopefully, should arrive this afternoon."

We finished eating and cleaned up our mess. We put Izu in our bed, barricaded him with blankets so he wouldn't roll off the bed, and made our way to Izu's bedroom. We had all of our purchases there, so we started to remove everything from the bags they were in, then organized it into piles, clothes, wall decor, feeding supplies, diapers, and bedding. I started by hanging up the All Might, Hawks, Endeavor, and Present Mic pictures, while Sho' started by folding the clothing. Before we knew it, it had been an hour, which meant the furniture should be here.

"Hey, Sho', the furniture should be here! Could you go check the door!"

Aizawa:"Yeah, I guess."

Aizawa pov.
I walk over to the front door and opened it to find Izuku's furniture and, surprisingly, the dresser and car seat we purchased. I had to make several trips to get everything, but once I was done, 'Zashi and I joined forces to tackle putting everything together.

"Since we're finally done putting everything together, I'll put Izuku's clothes in the dresser, if you can put the diapers and feeding stuff put in the diaper changing table."


It took about thirty minutes, but we were finally done with both of our tasks. The only thing left was to put the Present Mic bedding onto Izuku's bed, so I did that. 'Zashi offered a high five to celebrate our job well done so I, reluctantly, high fived back, and made my way to get Izuku from our bedroom.

"Hello, Izuku." I say while picking him up. "let's go get you fed."

I walk to the kitchen, while carrying Izuku, to make his bottle. Then I go into the family room, sit down, and put on a movie. While I was resting I dosed off for a nap, only to be woken up about 30 minutes later with a phone call from Nezu. Ugh, what does he want?! It's a Sunday! I quickly grabbed my phone, before it could wake up Izuku, and answered the call.

"What do you want?"

Nezu:"Well, it's a pleasure speaking to you too, Aizawa! I was informed you have adopted a child, so I'm just giving you a call to inform you that you are still going to be required to teach your classes."

"Yes, Sir. I understand, but I would need to bring Izuku with me. We have no one to watch him otherwise."

Nezu:"Very well, but I would like you to bring the little mouse to my office first thing tomorrow. I'd love to meet him!"

"Yes, Sir."

Nezu:"Excellent! I'll see you both tomorrow!"

I hung up the phone and called 'Zashi over.

Hizashi:"What's up Sho'?"

"Nezu called, he said we are still expected to teach tomorrow. I was thinking, I should keep Izuku with me during the day. Izu might get scared in your class, since you like to yell when you're teaching."

Hizashi:"Oh, alright, sounds good to me, but I want to have him when we're on lunch break!"

"Fine by me."


Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Izuku Todoroki'!

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