Quirky Birthday Part 1

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Izuku pov.
Dad and Papa just picked me up from school and we are heading to the quirk doctor. I'm so excited I can barely sit still!

"Are we there yet?!"

Dad:"Not quite."

Papa:"Sho' we better hurry, Izu looks like he's going to burst out of excitement! That would be messy!"

*I giggle*

Dad:"I'm going as fast as I can without breaking the law. We'll be there soon."

After asking a few more times we finally got to there. We get out of the car and I start running to the entrance with Dad and Papa running after me. When they caught up, we all made our way towards the reception desk and signed in. While we waited, I played with a girl I met named, Kyoka Jiro. She's really cool! We played hero's and villains! I was the hero for the first part and she was the hero the second. Before I knew it, we were being called back to the quirk doctors room. I ran as fast as I could to the room. When Dad and Papa caught up the doctor came in.

Q.D.:"Hello! I'm going to be the one to let you know what your quirk is. All I need to do is place my hand on Izuku's forehead and my quirk will do the rest."

"Yay! I can't wait!" I shout while bouncing in my seat.

Q.D.:"Alright, sit still and I'll begin."

I stop moving and sit as still as possible. When he's done he takes his clipboard and wrights down some information, then turns back to me.

Q.D.:"Wow, Your son has a very powerful quirk named, Ruthless Flame. He will be able to do almost anything with it. Including teleportation, forming animals out of fire, fire breathing, healing, and he can even control the temperature of his flames. You've got a real good quirk kid!" he said patting me on the back as he left the room.
(Author's note:"I edited this after I started writing the next chapter. I thought it'd be cool if he could breathe fire too.)

"Yay! I'm going to be a hero! I can't wait to tell Kacchan!"

Papa:"You can tell him at your party! They should be at our house an hour and a half after we get home! That gives us time to decorate!"

Dad:"If we're going to decorate the house we need to go to the party city down the road and hurry back home."

"Yay! Let's hurry! I want a hero party!"

Papa:"Anything for our little man!"

The three of us left the hospital and went to the party city. When we got inside we grabbed a cart. Papa put me in the front of the cart and ran through the store.



Dad:"'Zashi! Don't run in the store!"

Dad took out his capture scarf and lassoed us, pulling us back to him.


Dad:"Oh shut it, you overgrown cockatoo. Let's walk together like a normal family."

Papa:"But Sho', we aren't a normal family! We've got the insomniac coffee addict, the cockatoo, and the munchkin!"

"I'm not a munchkin!" I said while crossing my arms and puffing out my cheeks.

Dad:"No your more like a Cinnamon Roll. You're always sweet."

*I giggle*

We went around the store and got a large variety of hero themed decorations for my party. We got a lot of hero balloons, some streamers, hats, plates, cups, a table cover, and an All Might  costume for myself. After we got everything we checked out, paid, and went home to start decorating before my party.

———————Time Skip——————

Papa:"Hurry Sho', they're almost here!"

Dad:"Calm down 'Zashi! I just finished!" Dad half yelled, out of breath.

Kacchan and his parents are almost here! I'm so excited! We just finished decorating. Dad's still out of breath from blowing up 300 balloons, so he's taking a Power Nap in his sleeping bag. Me and Papa went to the kitchen and he pulled out a cake from the fridge. My eyes widened with excitement seeing the cake, it was red and yellow with small All Might, Present mic, Endeavor, and Eraserhead action figures on top.

"*gasp* is that really for me?!"

Papa:"It sure is! It's even half vanilla and half chocolate!"


"*gasp* Their here!" I shouted as I ran full speed to open the door.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Izuku Todoroki'!

P.S. I'm sorry it's a little shorter than the other chapters, but I'll try and make the next chapter by tomorrow night or Thursday.

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