Newfound Love

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Aizawa pov.
Hizashi, my husband, pulled me out of bed against my will. He said something about this new cat cafe that just opened up which got me moving. Cats AND coffee! You can't get any better than that! So as of now 'Zashi and I are walking to the cafe.

"Hey, we should get a cat while we're at it."

Hizashi:"On top of the three cats we already have?! I don't think so. We've got too many as is."

"What are you talking about? The more the merrier. You can't ever have to many cats."

Hizashi:"You don't know how I feel, though! By the time the cats get into bed next to you, there isn't any room for me! I'm cuddle deprived!"

"Oh, your over-exaggerating."

'Zashi began to pout when I said that. We arrived at the cafe a few minutes later.

'Zashi is hard of hearing and may loose his hearing permanently. His quirk has been damaging his eardrums over time. So me and him are learning sign language together for the future, when he can't hear at all. We've gotten pretty good at it, so it shouldn't take too much longer to finish learning.

Me and 'Zashi split up and he went to grab a table for the two of us. I went up to the barista at the front and ordered myself an extra large black coffee and a plain glazed donut. 'Zashi said he wanted a white chocolate mocha and a cinnamon roll, so I ordered his as well. When I received our order, I headed over to the table 'Zashi picked out.

Hizashi:"Oooo! Gimme gimme!"

"What are you a toddler?"

Hizashi:"I'm a toddler at heart!"

I rolled my eyes at that. He's such an overgrown child. We ate our breakfast and walked over to the cats and kittens. There are so many! Although, there this black kitten with white paws, named Mittens, that is really calling to me. Not literally, but he's so adorable!

"'Zashi. We need this one." I said while picking the kitten up.

Hizashi:"Ugh, you're not going to take no for an answer are you?"


Hizashi:"Finnneee, we can get him. Just go over and fill out the papers. I'll be waiting for you."

I went over with my new kitten and filled out the paperwork to bring him home. It wasn't much, just a few signatures and I was done. I met back up with 'Zashi and we headed out of the cafe. We start heading home while chatting about our classes we teach for UA. He thinks his class is bad but he hasn't met mine.

"'Zashi, my class is just filled with a bunch of problem children."

Hizashi:"Oh come on Shota! Your class can't be that bad!"

"You know what, if you don't think they are problem children then maybe you should teach my class for the day. You can do it someday next week."


"You better not come crawling back to—"
"What's that?"

Hizashi:"What's what?"

"It sounds like a crying child."

I put the kitten in my scarf and started running towards the crying child, with 'Zashi close behind. I got to an alleyway but I can't see anything at first glance. I start walking down the alley and find this box a few yards in front of me. I slowly walk towards it and take a peek inside only for me to find a baby! Who in there right mind would abandon a child?! Especially one that can't be more than only a day old!

"'Zashi, we need to get this child medical attention! There is no telling how long he's been out here!"

Hizashi:"Well? What are you waiting for?! Let's go! Recovery Girl is the closest!"


Me and 'Zashi started running as fast as we could with the box, containing the baby we found. It took 10 minutes to arrive at UA. We then immediately ran into Recovery Girl's office.

Recovery Girl:"What is the meaning of this?!"

"We found a baby in an alley!"

Hizashi:"Can you check up on him?!"

Recovery Girl:"Oh dear! Of course!Put him down over on the cot."

I quickly set the box, with the baby inside, on the cot she pointed to. She made her way over and gently gave him a check up.

A few minutes later, she completed her examination and turned to us.

Recovery Girl:"This young one looks to be in great health! He is only one day old. There is a note that was with him, with his name on the front. His name is Izuku. But, unfortunately, since we don't know his family's name, there isn't a way to find out who his family is. If we can't find anyone to adopt him. We will need to put him in foster care."

Hizashi:"Poor little listener." 'Zashi said on the verge of tears.

I took one look at my husband and made up my mind.

"We'll take him."


"You heard me. You've been wanting to become a father for a long time now. This is the perfect opportunity."

Hizashi:"Yes, that may be, but I didn't think you'd want kids. Your always saying they are all nothing but problem children."

"Well this one is different. I can feel it. It can't be that hard to raise a baby."

Recovery Girl:"Fantastic! I'll grab the adoption papers. Once you sign them, Izuku will, officially, be your son."

When she came back with the adoption papers me and 'Zashi immediately signed them. Once we were all done, we went home to start our newest chapter in life, parenthood.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'Izuku Todoroki'!

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