Chapter 8

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The staircase isn't what you would expect for a hidden little segment of the accommodation. It's completely white and in pristine condition, not a hint of dust or dirt covers the surface of the steps.

"I am now realising that we should have been more curious about why there was a book stashed in a storage container with a load of medications." Lena points out. "Hindsight really is 20/20."

Kara hums in agreement. "Should we like...go up there? Or should we go get the others first?"

Lena stares her down for a second. "Who knew that the mighty Supergirl is scared of a little hidden staircase?"

Kara whips her head around, indignant. "It's not every day that you come across something as weird as this, I'm very sorry I have some of my survival instincts left."

Lena chuckles in delight that she has successfully riled Kara up with just a sentence.

Kara shoots her a withering glare and stomps up the stairs, glad that wherever they are heading up to has some form of natural light as she didn't bring a light source with her in her strop.

It comes to her attention very quickly that she didn't really need to be afraid. The staircase leads right up into what appears to be a tower and from a quick glance, it looks perfectly safe.

They find themselves standing in a single room, albeit quite large, surrounded by what appears to be displays of battle plans.

There are maps hanging on the walls and details formation plans all laid out on a large table at the edge of the room.

"Oh, Rao." Kara breathes out, approaching the table to get a better look.

The tiled floor gleams under her feet, looking as though it has recently been cleaned. As she steps forward, one tile a couple of feet away from the centre of the table glows bright white as she steps on it, clicking ominously as her weight centres on the square.

Kara doesn't even have time to react before the ceiling is opening up and a blade is dropping down, aiming right for the top of her head.

For Lena, the entire series of events seems to happen in slow motion. The tile lit up, the ceiling opened and then she is running. She uses her momentum to barge into Kara unceremoniously which causes them both to land on the ground in a tangled heap with a great thud.

They lay together on the ground for a second, frozen in shock as they look back at where Kara was once stood to see a mighty sword nestled into the tile, the edges glinting in the light to display their sharpness.

"Your knee is in a very uncomfortable place..."

Lena is snapped out of her shock as she looks down at Kara. Her entire body is covering Kara's and as she takes in what Kara just said to her she realises that her knee is pressed pretty firmly to the blonde's nether region.

She shifts quickly, bringing her knee down but staying on top of her, wrapping her arms around her in what is about to be a very ferocious hug.

Kara hugs her back with a little less intensity, still in shock. The last thing she was expecting was for a fricking sword to drop from the sky.

"That was way too close," Lena whispers into her ear, clutching onto her as though she is about to drift away at any second.

Lena's breath is tickling Kara's neck, and it takes everything in her to resist the shiver that aches to dance up her spine.

It's odd being back on Krypton, under the red sun. Every part of her body feels more sensitive and the feeling of Lena on top of her and the delicate little puffs of air on the skin of her neck stirs up some feelings that she feels guilty about even touching upon.

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