Chapter 13

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Maybe today isn't so bad after all.

I mean, they did just slide right the way down what they can only assume was a very steep hill whilst blinded by heavy rain and get covered in mud from head to toe all before breakfast, but the day isn't lost.

They landed just a little ways away from a cluster of trees that is a perfect spot for setting up their tents once again so they can recover from their fright and they may even, with a little bit of clever positioning, be able to find a spot dry enough to set up a fire for cooking.

Kara likens the feeling of stepping under those trees to setting off a yellow sun grenade. The sudden break from the drenching onslaught from the sky and the ability to actually see more than just a few feet ahead of her feels like a blessing and gives her a massive energy boost, it makes her feel invincible.

The feeling doesn't last all that long since they are all still standing in liquid filth. The only way to wash themselves off is to strip off their dirty clothes and then stand in the rain until the majority of the mud has run off of their skin. It isn't the best feeling.

To try and maintain privacy, they do it a tent at a time, the residents of said tent go and the others stay away out of sight until they are done. The system works wonders for most of them, the only ones who struggle a little are Kara and Lena.

It might have been a better idea for them to go separately but neither was willing to offer to leave and give the other more privacy.

It isn't sexy by any means. The rain is blinding them, their skin is streaky with the dirt and what flesh they can see is reddened from the scrubbing of their hands from trying to wash themselves.

The intimacy of it though, that's unmatched. It is a strange thing to be bonding over, being naked in the rain as they wash away the remnants of a mudslide from their bodies.

As soon as they are as clean as they are going to get, they race into their tent, yelling to their team that it's safe for them to come out.

The scramble inside the tent is hectic, towels are slipped around them as they frantically try to dry themselves off and warm up all at the same time.

"Holy crap, that rain is cold." Kara shivers, not wanting to drop the towel to get dressed because it's currently keeping her warm.

"Tell me about it, my nipples could probably cut diamonds right now." Lena's teeth chatter as she talks.

"Forget diamond, mine could cut through obsidian."

Lena clears her throat to hide her quivering chuckle. "I wasn't aware that it was a competition."

With a huffed out breath, Kara responds, a smile adorning her face. "Me neither, my mouth worked before my brain."

"Isn't that the way it usually works though?" Lena quips.

"Do you have to keep on teasing me?"

Lena smirks, a perfect eyebrow poised. "I thought you liked being teased."

Kara loses her ability to form a decent sentence. Her mouth opens, trying to form any words but she completely fails.

"Close your mouth, darling, you'll catch flies." Lena turns and drops her towel, slipping some clean clothes on.

Kara averts her eyes when her brain catches up enough to process that she shouldn't be looking at her best friend in that way, her best friend who she may or may not have feelings for.

The sight of Lena's ass as she bent over to grab her clothes will forever be seared into her brain though and she isn't going to complain about that.

Once their clothes are covering their modesty, they blow up their mattresses and give themselves a few minutes to relax and let the morning's events sink into their bones.

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