Chapter 30

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Together, they manage to calm the injured H'Raka enough that he lies down on the floor which gives them plenty of space to take a good look at his injuries from the leopard-like animals.

While they're not life-threatening, especially now that Alex has poured some antiseptic over them from her little medical kit in her pack, something that made him roar in pain from the sting of it and almost send Lena flying when he bucked upwards.

"You're ok, we've got you." Kara tries to reassure him, peeking over to look at the damage, his back legs now wrapped up nicely thanks to Alex. She thought about using the bandages she has but his legs are so large ad the gashes are equally as big so she instead used the spare crew's robes that happened to be stored in a cabinet off in the corner of the room.

His legs took the worst of the attack but his back-right wing took some damage too and that's going to be a problem. It was already in question whether or not he could fly them out of there with injured legs but an injured wing, that's just out of the question, it's even in question whether or not he could fly out of there solo.

They're trapped here because they can't take off in this ship without the ship being tracked by Krypton's council and they can't make themselves that visible, it would ruin the mission.

Kara's now pacing across the room, eyes barely leaving the hatch that she and Lena dragged the, now empty, cabinet on top of in the hope that it will buy them some more time if the lock breaks because they can hear the animals below leaping up and bashing into it from below, trying to get to them.

"Kara?" Lena calls out from where she's tenderly stroking Bolt's head.

"Hmm?" Kara turns to her, still keeping the hatch in the corner of her eye. "Are you ok?"

"Where's Kelex?"

Kara's eyes go wide, Alex's eyes matching them too. "Oh shit. He's down there. That's all of our samples."

Lena drops her head into one of her hands, the other staying on Bolt's snout. "Today is just getting worse and worse, I'm starting to think we're just going to have to call Brainy to come and get us and end the mission."

Alex shakes her head. "That's out of the question, we can only call him when the whole group is together, remember, The Legion ship would be able to be tracked when he starts flying too so it would be just as bad as if we took off in this one."

"Then what do we do? We can't just stay here, we're trapped and we're one tiny lock and a cabinet away from being eaten by wild animals, we need a proper plan." Lena shakes her head, confused and terrified.

Kara just shrugs, "I have no idea, we've been saying we need a plan since we got on this damn ship and yet, here we are, still plan-free."

There's nothing to say to that, she's right. They have nothing to go off of and no way to escape despite being in a ship that for all they know, might have the ability to take off. There are no obvious answers to their problems.

Kara goes back to her pacing, trying to find a way to get Kelex and the samples and then get them out of there, Bolt included, while having no other transport at their disposal. Or well, they do, they just can't use it. Unless they can.

The idea jumps into her head and in an instant, she heads for the controls pulling up as much information as she can, she knows what she's looking for but doesn't know where to find it in the system so she has to trawl through as much of the server as she can to find it quickly.

"What are you doing?" Alex questions.

"Making a plan." She keeps tapping and going through the controls until she finds what she needs, an outline of every system on the ship. "Gotcha!"

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