Chapter 19

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Kara keeps her grip on the knife tight, nervous about whether or not she'll have to use it. For Astra to have given it to her, it means that Astra herself isn't confident that she'll be safe waiting here alone without some form of protection. That's a terrifying prospect.

They are surrounded by these people, and they couldn't take even a quarter of them on if they had to, any trust they had built got destroyed the second she fought with Zin-Ra.

She can hear the sound of unfamiliar voices downstairs near the door, completely muffled so she can't make out a single word but for her to be able to hear them at all, they must be standing right outside.

Nobody is meant to come by this way until Astra gets back so this is not a good thing at all. It's probably better to be safe than sorry though, so Kara decides to take some precautions.

She tiptoes down the stairs towards to door, trying her best to ignore the ache in her muscles as she does. She can practically feel the bruises spreading across the expanse of her back and torso. The way she's holding the knife is making her knuckles ache, the tight feeling of her skin making her uncomfortable where the blood has dried.

Kara's acutely aware of the voices, trying to make out the words but unable to because the door is that thick. She presses her back to the wall on one side of it, wishing that it opens outward instead of sliding so she would have more cover when it does open.

Still, she will have the upper hand if they do come in, she'll have the element of surprise and even if there are multiple people, being fast and unpredictable is something she knows how to use in her favour.

She holds herself steady, waiting for something to happen, for the door to open. She doesn't know why there is people right outside, she doesn't know what they want, but she's ready. She'd be even more ready if she wasn't so on edge from her earlier fight with Zin-Ra.

Her ears pique with interest when the steady drone of voices changes its tune, the voices getting louder but somehow less intelligible. Something is going on.

It makes her jump when the door does begin to move, her focus on trying to make out what was going on just outside made her forget herself for a moment, but that's all it was – a moment.

She still has a good hold on the knife. It's heavy in her hand, the leather handle firm and comforting to her palm.

Her eyes widen. Maybe it's fear or anticipation or adrenaline, maybe a mix of all three.

A breath.

Astra leads Lena through the doorway, dragging it shut behind them without a glance, probably a statement in of itself to whoever was outside. It's silent now, Astra must have won whatever argument had ensued or scared them into backing down.

Astra catches her out of the corner of her eye, her hand shooting to her other knife that is strapped to her thigh. It falls away when she recognises Kara though, sighing in relief.

"You were prepared," Astra states, a tiny smile in place at her niece's protective stance.

Kara steps towards them, gesturing for them to head back upstairs. "Yes. When someone hands you a knife it doesn't do much for your nerves. I figured it would be best to be ready just in case."

Lena doesn't take her directive, she steps into Kara's space, her hands coming up to cup her face, eyes pinned on her black eye and cuts. "Oh my god, you're really hurt."

"I'll be just fine, I can hold my own." Kara's fingers wind around Lena's wrists, keeping her hands in place because they are nice and warm against her cheeks.

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