Chapter 29

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Lena stays close to Bolt's side. Unsurprisingly, she feels much more secure when she's at the side of a massive dragon-like animal, who would have guessed?

It's a little difficult manoeuvring through the hallways with Bolt, the Kryptonian ship not built to have a H'Raka roaming its halls. The cargo hold is plenty big enough for him but they aren't leaving him behind so instead, they have to slowly coax him to follow them, the nervous animal unsure the entire time.

To be fair, the distraction that Bolt is giving them helps them not to panic too much about the prospect that the door to the ship was already open when they entered which means that any number of wild animals could be onboard waiting for them. That's a fun thought. Not.

Kara leads the way, Alex barely a step behind her, occasionally grabbing at her sister's arm to make her point the flashlight in another direction so she can see and making Kara more and more annoyed every time she does it, the feeling of being grabbed when she's already on edge about to make her react in a way that is less than dignified.

Lena notices the last time that Alex does it, Kara shrugs her off rather harshly and the hand not holding the flashlight is clenched remarkably tight. "Kara?"

Kara is quick to turn to check on her, protective at every turn. "Yeah? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Can you let Alex have the light and lead the way?" Lena nods to Alex, who just looks confused.

Kara looks equally confused but that just leads her to hurry up and hand Alex the flashlight, concerned about why Lena might need her to do that. The way she passes it to Alex is actually kind of aggressive, she pushes it into Alex's hand without checking she's got a good grip on it and barges passed her so she can get to Lena, oblivious to the harsh way she's treating her sister.

Alex would be annoyed about it but really, she's just happy to have gotten the flashlight to herself. They still have one more since two of the three packs are still with them but Alex knows her flashlight is right at the bottom of hers so she thought it was just easier to briefly redirect Kara's whenever she wanted a good look at something than go searching through her pack when Kara's light is already plenty bright enough to illuminate their way.

Lena waits until Kars is right beside her before reaching out to clasp their hands together, keeping Kara at her side and preventing her from straying. "Hey."

"Wait, did you ask me to come over here so you could hold my hand?"

"Yeah, that and because if your jaw clenched any tighter, you'd be grinding your teeth into dust and there's no dentist out here." Lena shrugs, tapping her thumb against the back of Kara's hand mindlessly.

Kara squeezes her hand back, grateful that Lena is so observant because she'd feel really bad if she hurt Alex in any way just because she's on edge and overly reactive, something she can't deny she is and something she wishes she wasn't.

Alex keeps inching ahead, leading them through the ship. It's a big ship but it isn't too hard for her to figure out which way she's got to head, they're just heading from the back of the ship to the front, so it should be a straight shot. Should be.

They come to a point that makes them stop. They need to think and to evaluate their options.

Alex shines the flashlight around, letting them all see what their choice is before looking back at both Lena and Kara. "What do we do?"

Kara stares up ahead at the spilt in their path where the ship changes its shape, splitting into two separate floors as compared to the previous one they were contending with. "I don't remember whether or not the control room is on the upper or lower floor."

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