Chapter 39

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"Kara, please don't take this wrong, but I'm so glad your parents have gone. That was really awkward." Alex says as she sinks into the couch, Kelly curled into her side half-asleep.

From beneath Lena's arm where Kara is held against her, the blonde shrugs. "I know, but we're not going to have to deal with them for long. I've got a plan."

"Is this a well-thought-out plan, or is this a Kara plan? Because if it's a Kara plan, I'm not sure how on board with it I am." Alex groans, pulling Kelly closer to her and pressing her lips to the top of her head gently, smiling into her hair at how cute she is when she's all sleepy and snuggly.

Kara's mouth drops open in offence, her eyebrows furrowing and her nose scrunching. "Hey, all of my plans are well thought out."

"Did you plan out your attempt at getting the information crystals all the way through?" Alex asks, already knowing the answer.

A brief, telling silence is followed by the squeak of Kara sucking her teeth. "Shut up."

Lena sighs, dropping her head so her cheek rests against the top of Kara's head. "Kara, as much as I support you and think your plan is great, whatever it is, I think Alex is right in that we need to have our next steps thoroughly planned out if we're going to make this work and get out of here with the other crystal too."

"I agreed to stay here for five more days. We'll be gone before day four is through. That's our best chance. I have a plan but I need you to trust me. I don't have every part of it planned out to perfection, you're right about that too. However, I do think that I have a good handle on the situation and if you can trust me, I promise you that we'll get exactly what we need and be out of here in no time."

Alex sighs heavily, and before she can either begrudgingly agree or complain a bit more, Kara jumps back in.

"Plus, my plan also means we get to go sightseeing. What's not to love about sightseeing?"

Lena's arm tightens around Kara's shoulders. "You know I'm with you, but we do have to make sure we go over the plan and ensure everyone is fully aware of what they must do and how to act. Keeping the plan a secret from your parents is going to be difficult. We all know they will be on the lookout for any strange behaviour."

"That's a good point. I'll mull the plan over a little more and we can go over it in the morning. You guys are tired and I know that pretty much anything I say at this point is going to go in one ear and out the other." Kara climbs out from under Lena's arm before holding a hand out to help her up.

Lena presses a kiss to Kara's cheek in thanks, soft and chaste. "I'm going to head to our room. Can you please grab me a drink when you come to join me?"

"Sure." Kara agrees lightly, not even questioning why Lena isn't getting it herself. This woman has been her crutch this entire mission and even before that, the least she can do is get her a drink when asked.

"That's our cue to head to bed too." Kelly yawns again, letting Alex pull her up off the couch. We'll see you in the morning to go over everything, but first..." Kelly breaks free from the arm wrapped around her waist and stumbles towards Kara. "Good job today." She mumbles, wrapping her arms around the blonde.

The sentiment brings tears to her eyes, and she's very nearly pushed over the edge when Alex takes her turn hugging her. "Thank you."

"Get some rest, sis. You've earned it. Tomorrow is another day, and we'll be home very soon, just like you said. We've got this."

"Yeah, we do." Kara does her best to sound enthusiastic, to dig deep and find the confidence that Supergirl possesses in the face of the mightiest of foes to reassure the public back on Earth.

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