Chapter 9

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Two days isn't as much time as you would think. The first day, the day when they found the antidote, they spend the day lazily rifling through the accommodation, having a lot of fun simply nosing through the excess of items in the place.

Lena and Kara spent most of that day together, sitting side by side on the tiled floor up in the hidden tower, a mere blanket separating their butts from the cool tiles. They pass items out of the cabinets to each other, sharing their cool findings and piling up information crystals to be searched through later.

"Hey, look. This is good." Kara takes out a paper that has what appears to be several drawings of what appears to be small scales of trees and information surrounding each image. "This shows all of the native trees around here and has some information on each, like this one in the top right corner, it has bark that can be ground into a paste for brushing your teeth with."

Lena looks incredulous. "I'm glad I brought plenty of toothpaste with me, if you want to brush your teeth with bark then you are more than welcome to."

"Where is your inner nerd? This kind of stuff usually has you salivating." Kara dangles the paper in front of her jauntily. "I know you want it really, come on..."

Lena snatches it from her hand with a smirk. "You're literally the most annoying person on this planet."

"You like it, just admit it."

Lena can't deny that, given the right time, she does enjoy the light-hearted teasing from Kara, but she would never in a million years admit it. She can't even fully admit to herself just how much she likes it, likes her.

As her eyes skim over the paper, Lena tries to look as flippant as she possibly can. "You couldn't even be bothered to translate it for me? One would think you have a poor work ethic."

"Hardy ha, very funny." Kara goes back to what she was doing before, grabbing more things from the cabinet and making a show of hiding the interesting things from Lena as she pulls them out.

In response, Lena waits until Kara is leaning forwards into the cabinet and takes advantage of her now exposed torso to jab her fingers into her ribs, tickling her without mercy.

"Stop! Stop! I'm gonna pee!" Kara gasps out in between laughs. Her arms come up to try and defend herself, but Lena manages to avoid them, unwilling to give in.

"Are you ready to apologise?" Lena slows down her tickles to allow her the time to respond.

Kara gasps at her. "Never!"

No more prompting is needed to get Lena to resume tickling the blonde, a devilish smirk overtaking her features as Kara devolves into little more than a giggling mess.

After a solid minute of precise and unwavering tickles, Lena finally ceases her attack, giving Kara a chance to get her breath back. "That was a low blow, Luthor."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into when you became friends with me, you have to deal with the consequences."

Kara is just about to respond when something made of leather catches her eye from the back of the cabinet in front of her. She has to unstack a few information crystals and random knickknacks from on top of it and then blow away several layers of dust, but she gets it out with relative ease.

"No way!"

Lena is left a little astounded by how short Kara's attention span seems to be and shuffles over to take a gander over her shoulder, a little intrigued at what could have possibly warranted such an exclamation.

Kara stretches the leather fabric in between her hands in front of her. She turns it in her grip so she can take a look at both sides and check the quality.

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