Chapter 14

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Kara watches Lena out of the corner of her eye, making sure she is alright without being wholly obvious about it.

This wasn't part of the plan, that much is easy to see. From what they can tell through the screen of the pod, they are headed back in the direction they came from, and it doesn't take a genius to gather that they are being taken back to the accommodation. As much as they enjoyed their stint there, they hadn't been planning on ever going back.

Their captors aren't a talkative bunch, in fact, they don't talk to each other at all and they only address Kara and Lena when they are ordering them to do something, mostly just to follow them.

The rain continues to pound down on them, and they watch as the trails through the trees turn into sludge, even in the places where the tree density should be protecting the ground beneath their branches.

On one of her glances over to Lena, she sees her glancing back at her. Based on the limited amount of her face she can see, she would guess that Lena is worried about her and what is going to happen when they get back to the accommodation.

The real question on Kara's mind is simple: who would care enough about them to have them brought back all the way here?

She really doesn't understand but that seems to be the theme of this mission. Just when they turn a corner, they meet another corner they need to try and turn. At this rate, the allotted time they put aside for the mission going off course isn't going to be enough to get them through this, they need to get out of here and on their way as soon as they possibly can if they are going to stand a chance of getting there on time.

The further they go, the more they recognise the scenery. They're close.

The pods pull up right by the accommodation and they are swiftly escorted up the stairs and inside again. The place looks exactly the same and for some reason, void of any other people. They had expected there to be more guard-type people waiting inside but they are just directed to the couch and left with just two guards watching them from the hallway, blocking the exit with their bodies.

They are sat next to each other, their backs straight and muscles stiffened, waiting for something to happen. Over time, as they sit there waiting, they slowly relax since it becomes obvious that nothing is happening in a hurry.

Lena squirms her fingers across Kara's palm on the cushion between them and slips her hand into Kara's. They make eye contact and whisper to one another.

"You ok?" Kara keeps her voice low, and the guards don't react in the slightest, they don't even appear to care about them, just focusing on guarding the hallway to the exit.

Lena nods to her. "Yeah, you?"

"Yes. Sorry I got us caught, I panicked." Kara purposely doesn't mention the others, they don't need to be dragged into this. They don't know these people and for all they know, they would head right back out and go find them.

Based off the look Kara has been shot, Lena is annoyed. She bites her lip, nervous that Lena is going to be mad at her.

"Why would you apologise for that? You did the right thing."

A deep sigh of relief floods from Kara's lips, Lena is only annoyed that she apologised, she can cope with that. The muscles of her face relax, and she closes her eyes, just thinking about what to do now.

She doesn't get the chance to make a plan because the door to the office slides open and the figure of someone she never thought she would see again stepped out.

Her jaw drops and she raises to her feet, shellshocked.

"I thought it was you, little one." Her Kryptonese is a joy to hear, her voice familiar and full of childhood memories.

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