Chapter Two: Offered Support

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The blaring sounds of her alarm clock and the sunlight streaming into her bedroom made her throw her arm over her face in an attempt to block out that annoying shriek and light. Hinata groaned, trying to reach for her phone to hit snooze for the uptenth time, but the alarm shut off on its own to be replaced by her ringtone.

Sitting up, a tired and very annoyed Hinata finally found her phone. Clearing her throat, making sure that it didn't sound like she was just waking up, she accepted the call.

"Good afternoon, Hinata! It's me, I was just calling to let you know that we're meeting for our appointment at about four? The clinic is closing early today, and Tsunade couldn't reach you."

The sounds of rustling, and incoherent words filled her ears as the Uchiha woman spoke with haste. Hinata looked at the clock hanging above her television and nearly groaned.

She had two hours to get there; she'd be late again.

"I completely forgot, I'm sorry." She stood up from her bed and opened her closet to find the most comfortable outfit she had — which was just a pair of jeans and an oversized shirt.

"That's why I called you." Sakura laughed, "if you're late, I'm sure it will be okay. Have something to eat, take a shower, brush your teeth, and get a taxi or whatever."

"How'd you—"

"I called earlier and you asked for 'a few more minutes' before you hung up."

She mentally facepalmed, "I thought that was my alarm."

"Nope! I'll let you take care of your business, so I'll see you later." Sakura hung up.

Throwing her phone onto her bed, she grabbed her towel and went to take a much needed shower and wash her hair. Waking up was her least favourite thing to do, no matter what time of day it was. She would always be too tired — it's why she never bothered to be committed with anything.

Work, school...relationships.

Stepping out of the steaming bathroom, she towel dried her hair while she got ready. With her bag slung over her shoulder, her headphones resting comfortably around her neck, and a half eaten sandwich she didn't finish the night before in her mouth, Hinata left the small apartment. Skipping the wait for the elevator, she took the stairs instead.

Outside was not as hot as she thought it to be, although the sun was high in the sky and there were barely any clouds, the air was cool.

Checking the time, she decided to walk to the subway station feeling lucky that she wasn't that very far from it. The problem was that the clinic was practically across the city from where she lived.

Hinata wasn't one to take public transit. Then again, she wasn't one to step out of her house unless it was absolutely necessary. She always felt like people stared at her, but that might just be her mind playing tricks on her. Or, they really were staring.

She knew why. Everyone knew why.

Her eyes were odd, she was even weirder. With skin so pale contrasting with her dark blue hair and equally pale eyes, she was a sight to see — and she didn't like that. Back in her hometown, no one would have cared because they all looked the same. Here, she was different.

Tsunade would argue that being different was great! No one was the same, but living in a city with outgoing residents, tan skinned people, blondes, brunettes, and black haired kindred while being the complete opposite wasn't great.

She ran down the escalator stairs with her head down, twisting and contorting her body to get past anyone standing in her way, Hinata let out a breath she didn't know she was holding once she was able to stand on that platform away from everyone.

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