Chapter Four: In With The New

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Hinata flushed the toilet with a sigh, leaning against the bathtub as she collected her breath. The morning sickness has begun and she really dislikes it. She found herself waking up feeling perfectly fine, and ate her breakfast with no difficulty. It wasn't until she was getting ready to go outside and run some errands [grocery shopping] did she feel the need to throw up.

Wiping a hand over her face, she took a deep breath and stood up. Rinsing her mouth with water, and brushing her teeth again, she decided that her groceries could wait.

Lying comfortably on the couch, Hinata reached for the television remote and switched it on to something of interest. Reruns of Family Guy were playing, so she settled for that while she tapped lazily on her phone. Her eyes grew heavy after a while, making her groan in slight relief. She had a hard time falling asleep the night before, not being able to do so until the sun was just about to come up, and then she woke up less than five hours later.

Hinata was tired, and she knew that Tsunade would chew her head off if she found out that she wasn't really sleeping or being as active as she should be. If Sarada didn't call to ask if they could do something together, then she wouldn't even bother walking to the elevator.

For the past couple of weeks, she's been spending time with the young Uchiha girl since school was over. The family had no plans for the summer beyond staying home and taking care of their business which left Sarada sad that her friends got to go on trips while she stayed home. To make it up to her, Sasuke would have Hinata take her out — that was the only way to cheer Sarada up besides being around her father.

A knock on her door startled her, making her whine quietly at being woken up. Contemplating whether or not she should ignore it, Hinata really had no choice when the ramping on her door got louder.

"I'm coming." She grumbled, dragging her feet to the door. "Who is it?" She looked through the peep hole and almost cursed.

Opening the door, she stared at the Uchiha couple in front of her. Sarada looked extremely happy to be there, and her parents were somewhat apologetic.

"She wouldn't stop asking to come see you. I asked Tsunade for your address, if that's okay?" Sakura explained, shouldering Sarada's bag.

"It's alright." It wasn't, she was supposed to take the time today to sleep off her exhaustion, catching up on her sleep dept was her only other plan after doing her weekly grocery shopping. Hinata stepped to the side and let them inside. "It's a little messy."

"My room is messy too." Sarada smiled, taking her shoes off and embarking into the unfamiliar territory that was Hinata's apartment. "This place is so cool." She walked up the stairs to Hinata's loft bedroom.

"Don't break anything." Sasuke watched her from below. Once he assessed that the apartment wasn't a hazardous place for children, he nodded in satisfaction. "You live alone?"

"I do, yes." Hinata pushed the books she had stacked up on the coffee table to the side and fixed the cushions on the couch. "You can have a seat, I'll get you guys something to drink since it's hot outside."

"Do you have iced tea?" Sarada called down from above, holding one of Hinata's plushies in her hand.

"I can make some if that's what you want. Why don't you help me?"

"We're good on drinks," Sakura said, "We just came to drop her off and ask you for a little favour." She looked at Sasuke for reassurance.

Hinata listened carefully as she went into the kitchen to put some hot water to boil. She let Sarada pick her favourite tea bag and filled the jug with lukewarm water so that the sugar could melt while they waited. "A favour?"

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