Chapter Seventeen: Blueberry Pancakes

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"Good morning." Hinata sat at the edge of her bed, arranging the children's clothes in a temporary dresser as she hummed softly. She glanced at a waking Sarada for a second, resuming her task as the child rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as if trying to decide if she was dreaming or not.

"Hina?" She mumbled and sat up, looking at her surroundings with equal confusion.

"Mhm." She smiled and placed Haruna's diapers on top of the dresser. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." Sarada was silent for a second, "why am I in your bed?"

"You're staying over for a little bit, your father brought you here last night." She explained briefly.

"Is it only me and Haruna?" The little girl looked at the sleeping baby beside her. She was wrapped in a warm blanket and was surrounded by pillows. Actually, the entire bed was surrounded by pillows. It was clear that they were placed there to prevent either of them from rolling off onto the floor.

"Your father is sleeping downstairs." Hinata finally finished and stretched. "It's still very early, why don't you get some more sleep?"

She shook her head, "I'm not tired anymore."

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really."

"How about I make you some tea for now, and we'll make breakfast once everyone's awake?" Hinata offered. "I have some of your favourite cookies as well, you can always eat them as a snack."

Sarada perked up and nodded, "please?"

"Do you want hot chocolate or chamomile?"

"Hmm...I'll have hot chocolate."

"Great, pay attention to your sister and I'll be right back." Hinata smiled and left her in the bedroom.

It really was early, but it was also a school day. No wonder Sarada had woken up without much issues — she may be a heavy sleeper, but she sure did know how to wake up with ease.

Hinata took a peak at a sleeping Sasuke as she walked past the living room. Unlike his daughter, he was fast asleep and made no signs of waking up any time soon. Good for him, he had stayed up all night and only fell asleep once he managed to put a reluctant baby to sleep as well.

Being as quiet as she could, Hinata filled a small pot with milk, and put it to boil while she got out a bowl for Sarada's cookies. Nibbling on one of the soft macadamia cookies, she made two cups of hot chocolate [adding marshmallows to Sarada's] and made her way back upstairs.

She found Sarada laying beside Haruna, poking the little child's cheeks softly and brushing her hair. "Did she wake up?"

Sarada nodded, "she didn't cry..."

"Does she usually cry when she wakes up?" She set down the mug and bowl. "Be careful, it might still be a little hot."

Sarada thanked her and got off the bed to sit in front of the desk. "Sometimes, she cries really loudly."

"I see." Hinata picked up Haruna and checked her diaper, making sure that she was cleaned first before she began undressing her.

"What are you doing?" She watched the entire ordeal with curious eyes. This was her first time seeing a calm Haruna so early in the morning. Usually, she would be on her way to school before her sister woke up. On the weekends, Haruna would be awake before she was.

"Getting her ready for a little bath." Hinata looked through the nappy bag for her towel. Putting the small hoodie of the towel on Haruna's head, she wrapped her with the soft fabric and stood up.

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