Chapter Eighteen: From Above

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Hinata hesitated as she stood at her front door. Her keys were held in her hands, hovering in front of the lock, but she couldn't bring herself to unlock her door. What would she say once she walks in? He was already upset and dealing with so much, if she told him about what Sakura said, he would feel worse. Better yet, he would return to the slump he was in when Sakura left the first time.

"Are you planning on opening the door?"

His voice startled her as he approached her. Sarada's hand was held in one hand while Haruna's baby carrier was in the other. The three of them looked rather refreshed, and if she guessed correctly; it was because they went outside for some sort of walk.

"I didn't have a key so I left it opened; we weren't gone for too long." Sasuke let go of Sarada who ran to Hinata's side quickly.

"We went to the park; you have a really nice park near your house." She said happily.

Hinata smiled and opened the door, holding it open for the three of them to come inside. "Awe, it's a shame since I wanted to be the one to take you."

"I'll wipe my memories then!" Sarada made some buzzing sounds and spoke like a robot. "Memories erased; what park are we talking about?"

"You're so silly; come, let's wash your hands." She laughed and closed the door.

"If we're going to the park again, can we have a picnic?" She asked as she washed her hands in the bathroom. Sarada waited for Hinata to do the same and they both dried their hands.

"I don't see why not." Hinata shrugged and followed the little girl upstairs so they could change their outdoor clothes for some comfortable ones. She'll have to get started on making a proper lunch soon.

They returned back downstairs — Sarada throwing herself onto the couch beside her father. Hinata smiled at the display of affection between the two and made her way to the kitchen.

"Anyone have anything specific they want to eat?" She asked as she opened her fridge to take a look at what she had. Thanking the heavens that she had done some groceries before the arrival of her surprise guests, she took out some vegetables and a tray of chicken.

"Pizza!" Sarada suggested. "I haven't had pizza in a long time."

Sasuke and Hinata shared a glance, she paused her previous preparations of the food she had originally planned to make.

"Do you want pizza as well?" Sasuke asked, "I can order enough for both lunch and dinner."

"If you're ordering pizza, I'll pay for any side dishes that you ask for."

He would have protested had it not been for their previous shared experiences where she would be upset at him taking care of everything that had to do with money. "Alright." Sasuke agreed to the proposal. "Do you know any good pizza places in the area?"

Hinata pulled her phone out and dialed the number of her favourite restaurant before handing him the phone. "Their pizza and chicken wings are good. Even the cheesy garlic bread."

Sarada patted Sasuke's hand to get his attention, "can we get the cheesy garlic bread too? I never had that before."

He nodded. Quickly placing their order, and receiving an estimated time they would receive their food by, he gave Hinata back her phone.

The Hyuga woman disregarded the little device and threw it against the opposite couch as she stooped down in front of Haruna's carrier. Making soft — but intelligible — sounds, she picked up the baby and cooed. Haruna kicked her feet around and put her small fist into her mouth as she drooled all over her clothes.

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