Chapter Eight: Silent Treatment

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"I don't want to go!" Sarada closed the door harshly behind her as she stepped into the house. Her hair was undone, her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked extremely upset. She flung her bag on the couch and made no effort to greet her father.

"Sarada—" Sakura followed her into the house, a frown evident on her face.

"No! You always lie to me! You always say you want to spend time with me but you're always doing something else. Something more important." She cried, glaring at her mother.

"What are you two fighting about?" Sasuke stood up from where he sat and made his way to Sarada. He kneeled in front of her and used his sleeves to wipe her face.

"I told her about the party." Sakura sighed and rubbed her temples. "I thought she would be excited since she would be with me, but..."

"There won't even be kids my age." Sarada spoke loudly, "I'm just a...a prize for you to talk about."

"Every mother wants to talk about their child, Sarada. I want to do that because you make me happy, and I know other people would see how amazing you are."

"No! Stop! You never talk about me when you're on the phone. I'm not real unless it's time to use me." She clenched her hands into fists.

"Hey, don't say that, Sarada. Your mother loves you, and she talks about you all the time when you're not there to listen." Sasuke frowned, glancing at Sakura for a moment.

"All you two do is lie! I'm tired of being lied to!" She pushed him away and stepped back. "Mommy doesn't love me, not like she loves all those people at the hospital."


"Don't call me that!"

The couple stood there as Sarada expressed her emotions. They didn't know what to say or what to do. Sasuke didn't want to step in since it was Sakura's issue to resolve but watching Sarada cry her eyes out hurt him a lot. He was finally seeing what Hinata had been talking about for weeks. All the emotions Sarada has been bottling up were finally spilling over its container.

"How do I make it up to you? Do you want me to buy you something? A toy? Clothes? A new colouring book?" Sakura hesitated to take a step forward, she reached out to Sarada, as if she didn't want to scare her away.

"Are you serious?" Sasuke turned to her fully.

"I don't know what to do." Sakura sighed out of frustration. Her eyes watered as she looked at Sasuke for some sort of guidance. "What should I do to make her feel better?"

"Try being her mother instead of some stranger. Why are you offering to buy things for her instead of consoling her with your words, Sakura? This is your child, our child, but I'm constantly stepping in to fix your inability to be a parent."

"I...I'm sorry that I've been busy and that all of the responsibility has fallen on your shoulders. I keep apologizing but you're still upset about it."

"I'm upset for Sarada, not myself."

"I've been a shitty mother, I know that, but that's not my fault—"

"It is. It's no one else's fault but yours."

"You're always blaming me! Why do you keep doing that?"

"Am I not supposed to? Should I blame someone else?" Sasuke crossed his arms.

The two were so engrossed with arguing with one another that they ignored when Hinata came downstairs to escort Sarada upstairs and get her cleaned up. The shouting from downstairs became nothing but dull noise once she closed the bedroom door.

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