Chapter Five: Curiosity Killed The Cat

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"Have you thought about any baby names yet?" Hinata asked as she sipped on her tea.

She couldn't sleep and it was very late at night. Having nothing better to do, she decided that a cup of tea would be best. She found Sasuke sitting in the kitchen, a pair of glasses pushed against his hair as he wiped his face — exhaustion evident but he didn't seem to mind. Hinata figured that he must have been working on something, so she didn't bother him until her curiosity got the best of her.

"No." He answered, picking up his stylus and flipped through diagrams and a few documents.

"Hm." She nodded, putting her mug down and made another cup. Pushing it towards him, she said nothing as she looked through the fridge for a light snack. "Do you always sit here while you work?"

He stared at the mug in front of him, the smell of the peppermint tea hit him hard and made his shoulders relax. Taking a break wouldn't be too bad. "Sometimes."

"Very short responses." Hinata settled on making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, not finding anything appealing inside the fridge. She's been very picky with her food choices as of late — something she chalked up to her pregnancy. "I see where Sarada gets it from."

The scrapping sounds of the knife hitting the sides of the jar made him cringe. "Stop that."

Hinata froze and raised her eyebrow, she put the jar down and sighed. "Maybe I'm not hungry." She mumbled. "I didn't know you wore glasses."

"You've lived here for—"

"Two weeks, I know, I'm usually spending that time with Sarada and not you. You're never wearing those when I see you once in a blue moon." She peeled off the crust of her sandwich.

"They block out the blue light from my screen." He explained simply. Sasuke remained quiet as he continued working, ignoring the way she shuffled around the kitchen. "Thanks for taking care of Sarada." He said after a while.

"Oh? Are you feeling talkative?"

He stared at her blankly.

"I was just making a joke." She muttered, turning the tap on to wash the things she used. "That's what a nanny is for, isn't it?"


She dried her hands and took one more second to look at him as he worked. "Don't stay up too late, I'm sure Sakura misses you in bed." She giggled.

Sasuke took his glasses off, shut down his iPad and got up. "Do you have a boyfriend, Hyuga?" He walked past her.

She crossed her arms and followed him up the stairs. Their rooms were in opposite directions. "If I did, do you think I'd be a surrogate? He'd lose his mind. Why'd you ask?"

"You're awfully privy to what Sakura and I do." He stopped in front of his door.

"Are you telling me to mind my business and get a boyfriend, Sasuke?"

"Goodnight." He slipped inside his bedroom and closed the door behind him before she could respond.

Hinata's eyes narrowed, scoffing as she stared in disbelief at the bedroom door. All she did was make a little joke about his relationship with his wife and suddenly he was acting like she cursed them. Her arms fell limp at her sides, a frown on her face. Alright, maybe she shouldn't have said anything. She barely knows him, why she thought they've gotten to the point where they could joke around with each other — she didn't know.

They haven't talked at all unless it was concerning Sarada or Sakura, and any personal question was usually directed at her and not him. It wasn't fair that he knew more about her than she knew about him. She shouldn't care anyway. In his eyes, he must be the boss and she was his employee. She might as well be, seeing as her job was to carry his child to term and then act like they didn't know each other after that.

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