Chapter Nine: Unlocked Memories

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It was late when Sasuke knocked on her bedroom door. He was quite fortunate to find her awake just sitting there with the light from the bedside lamp illuminating her face as she read.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked, barely looking up.

He sat at the edge of her desk and picked up a random note that piqued his interest for just a moment. "No, neither could you?"

"I tried." She closed her book and set it down on her bed. "You can always use the chair or the edge of the bed, it's more comfortable." Pulling the sheets down, she cradled her stomach and groaned as she fixed the pillow behind her back.

Taking up her offer, he moved to the edge of the bed and played with the fringe of the duvet. "Are you alright now?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were crying earlier, Hinata."

"Ah, right. I am, I was just angry. Sorry for leaving so early." She ran a hand through her hair.

Sasuke shook his head, "there's no need to apologize. Is there a reason why?"

"Do you want to get to know me, Sasuke? A few months ago, you would have let me deal with whatever I was going through alone." She couldn't help but smile at the stark difference between his past behaviour and his current one.

"Forget that I asked." He rolled his eyes.

"Naruto and I used to date in high school." Hinata spoke before he could get up and leave. "One thing led to another, and I ended up pregnant."

"He brought it up, didn't he?"

She nodded, "except, it wasn't the most pleasant memory. He's an asshole, if you're wondering. I don't know what I saw in him when I was younger but I thought we would be together forever."

"Don't we all?" Sasuke mumbled.

"You had a high school lover?"

"A few."

"A player, I see." She laughed. "He got me pregnant, was there for the birth, and then completely abandoned me. I haven't seen him since then, but tonight was a little bit of a surprise."

"Hm. The meeting was for investors and board members. I suppose he's one of the two. If I had known—"

"None of you do, it's a part of my life that I don't talk about very much." She shrugged, "as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't a requirement to tell you guys a list of people to keep me away from."

"Would you like to talk about something else? You're visibly annoyed right now."

"Am I? I didn't notice. Talking about it would help me regulate my thoughts, wouldn't it? It won't hurt if I tell you, as long as you don't tell everyone my business." She made herself as comfortable in the bed as she could.

"One moment." Sasuke got up.

"I offer to tell you about myself and you're already escaping."

"I wasn't leaving, I'll be right back." He excused himself.

Hinata hummed and stared at the opened door. Sasuke wasn't so bad when he got curious, he acted the same as Sarada; always asking questions, and listening carefully as she spoke. She wondered if he realized that he was doing it.

He returned with a large pillow flung over his shoulder and a cup of water. "This is the pillow Sakura used when she was pregnant with Sarada." He handed her the pillow and watched as she fixed it in a position she liked. Giving her the cup of water, he closed the door and resumed his place on the edge of the bed.

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