Chapter Thirteen: A Promise

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Hinata walked around the hospital room making sure that she had everything she needed. Her hair was placed in a high ponytail and the sweater she had arrived in a few days prior was wrapped snugly around her body. No one would know she was leaving so late at night, and she didn't plan on telling them either.

She had informed the nurses about her job and why she was leaving, so they provided her with her discharge papers and suggested that she see Haruna before she left.

It would be the first time she would see the child she's been carrying for eight months and a few days, and part of her didn't want to. The curiosity got the better of her though.

Shouldering her bag, she followed one of the nurses to the child-care ward. Her steps were slow and hesitant the closer she got to the room. She stood in the doorway and peered into the room at the rows of babies who had been delivered during her stay at the hospital.

She knew which bassinet was for Haruna, she could almost feel their connection as she approached the young child. The nurse left her alone inside, letting her know that she could leave whenever she was ready. Hinata rested her hand over the clear glass of the bassinet, a frown on her face.

As if she could sense her mother, Haruna opened her eyes and blinked owlishly much like Hinata did when she was confused. She kicked her feet, a frown on her face as she got ready to cry. Her white eyes, tinted with a bit of grey, welled up with thick tears.

Hinata shook her head and hummed, "no crying yet, little one. Your father and mother will be here to pick you up in the morning." She dug through her bag for a letter she wrote. Placing it beside the bassinet, in a place she knew Sasuke would see, she squeezed her eyes shut as she let out a sigh. "I hope they treat you well...I know he will. You'll meet your sister, and you'll grow up in a loving environment."

She paused for a second, wanting desperately to hold her, to give her a hug and a kiss goodbye; but standing in the room was already hard. Doing anything else would make her feel like she was betraying her child. Haruna wasn't hers, she was someone else's. Hinata just had to carry her to term and leave.

That's what she did.

She ignored the wails of the baby as she left the room. Her cries rang through her ears even though she stood outside the hospital with her fists clenched. The night sky provided no comfort as she waited for the bus so she could go home and pretend that nothing happened.

Her job was finished and now she had to live her life in ignorance.

Chapter Thirteen: A Promise

He reread the letter over and over again as he listened to Sakura talk to the child in her arms. He couldn't help but glance at his wife and Haruna. Frowning, he read the letter again and could almost hear the pain in Hinata's voice as if she was reading the letter out loud to him.

I'm sorry. I said that I would leave when you two arrive but I can't stand being in the same hospital knowing that I can't leave with her. I've prepared myself for this moment, convinced that I could do it since I've spent months — years — going over my duties. Yet, I feel empty knowing that I won't ever see her again. You said I could stay, that I can help, but we both know that that isn't ideal. Nor is it enough for me.

There is a bag in the nursery filled with some clothes that I didn't tell you about. It's another gift from me for her specifically. You don't have to tell her about me, that would ruin her relationship with Sakura, but don't let her live her life in confusion because she's different. I know you'll protect her, and I know Sarada will love her. Tell her that I'm sorry for leaving when I promised that I would stay.

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