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October 7th, 1992
Molly walked into Addison Apartments, and she typically would've gone straight to her apartment. But, today she had something to return to someone. So, she made a stop by Mr. Addison's apartment. She knocked on his door gently, in which Mr. Addison opened the mail slot almost immediately to greet her. She felt a bit odd as she did this... she had never really talked to Mr. Addison before. She sure as hell never ran into him in the hallway, the man never left his damn room! She also wondered if he wouldn't believe that she's really a resident there, despite her living in the apartments her entire life.

"Oh well hello, miss Gibson! I don't believe we've ever spoken before, how are you doing on this fine day?" He asked with excitement in his voice.

How did he know who I was? How did he know that I lived here? She asked herself.

"Hi Mr. Addison, I'm- um- fine, thank you... I was just wondering, where does Sal live?"

"Oh I'm sorry dear, but I can't tell you where residents live unless you have a good reason."

"I'm returning something of his that he had lost."

"And that is?"

Molly then held Sal's prosthetic up to the mail slot, so Mr. Addison could see it clearly. He about gasped when he saw it. EVERYONE knows how important Sal's prosthetic is to him. Even strangers of Nockfell. The prosthetic was apart of Sal.

"Oh my! Yes, yes, you must return this to him immediately. He just hates not having it on, you know?"

"I figured..." She said.

"He is in room 402. Have a great day miss."

"Thanks. You too, Mr. Addison." She said to him as she walked away.

While she was going up the questionable elevator, she felt nervous (again) to be going up to his apartment. She didn't want Sal to think that she disliked him or that she thought bad of him. Instead, she was trying to figure out away to express her gratitude. When she came across his apartment, room 402, she gulped hard. She braced herself as she knocked on his door.

After she knocked, she heard footsteps approaching the door. She could also hear someone quietly looking through the peep hole. Gosh, I hope that's not one of his parents, they're going to think so horribly of me if they see me holding his prosthetic. She thought, That's when she heard Sal's voice.

"Yes?" He asked from the other side of the door. How did she find out where I lived? Is she going to mock me like her other friends? What the hell does she want? Sal questioned in his head out of fear.

"I have your prosthetic... I found it in the bushes by the sidewalk. You know- where I... uh- was almost was hit by a car." Molly deadpanned.

Sal then unlocked the door handle, and opened it slightly, the door creaked creepily as he did so. He reached his hand through the small space and Molly placed the prosthetic on his palm. He pulled it back through and shut the door.

"Thanks," He said, very monotone. He didn't trust her. He was very weary of everyone in Nockfell. Well, he is weary about everyone he meets a matter of fact.

He probably hates me, Molly thought in her head. She then tried to think of a way to thank him without sounding weird. She stood there for a moment picking at her cuticles, preparing to say something.


"How do you know where I live?" Sal said first.

"Oh, I asked Mr. Addison which apartment was yours."

please don't leave me behind. {Sally Face POV}Where stories live. Discover now