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"Turn around and close your eyes"

I do exactly as he says. Why wouldn't I? He's my dom. It's in my best interest to listen. I still bare the physical and mental scars from the few times I didn't. I've learnt to trust him. No matter what. His word is the only thing I need. I only exist at this point to obey him. No one else. Him.

As I turn I can hear him take a step closer. And I can hear the slight sound of fabric. And before I know it I can feel something soft and luxurious being strewn over my eyes then pulled and tied behind my head.

"Only so all you can think about is me, no distractions." He whispers into my ear and nipping at my ear lobes.

He steps alway slightly and I can feel my pants becoming undone and taken off. Along with my top. His work shirt from earlier. All I'm left with at this point are my undergarments. He grabs my hand and starts walking. At first I'm reluctant to go. I swiftly change my mind once a stinging blow is taken to my behind. I'm left following him blindfolded to who knows where. I can only imagine where we're going, however sometimes he switches it up. I could either be going to the bed we share or the leather one in our separate room. All I know is that I can feel the anticipation growing. A wetness is beginning to form in between my legs. It's only a matter of time before he notices. After maybe 20 paces from our original spot we stop. A few seconds later I can hear the clanking of metal chains hitting each other. Before I know it I can feel the cold metal on my wrists. It sends a shiver up my spine.

"Is that too cold for you darling?"I can hear the smirk upon his face. I don't respond and I regret it when another blow is delt.

"Answer me when I talk to you slut. Especially when I ask you questions." Those words are laced with venom. I know now I've made a bad choice by not responding. Now I know how this is going to turn out for me. I'll be lucky if I only leave with a few bruises.

"Yes sir, it is cold" I all but whimper.

I can feel him smirking. He knows I'm scared yet filled with anticipation for what he is going to do to me. He resumes binding my hand. He pulls the chain and they are raised above my head. I know better than to resist scared of being hit yet again. I once again hear the clamouring of metal approaching, this time I can feel the could have it bitting into my ankles. Once they are secured and attached to the floor, my wrist bindings are slightly elevated, making it so I'm standing on the tips of my toes. And struggling to do so.

"Look at you, look at how pretty you are tied up for me. Easily accessible and, look at this! Wet and ready to go. Who would've thought being tied up like this would turn you on so much, princess." I can hear the pride and adoration in his voice. He loves it when I'm all vulnerable for him.

"Thank you, sir" i barely mange to squeak out.

I can no longer feel the heat of his body near me. Nor can I hear him anymore. I know better than to talk or try to find out where he is in the strange and unfamiliar room around me. As the anticipation builds so does the mess between my legs. Out of nowhere I yelp. He hits my ass with what I can only assume is a wooden paddle.

"Because of your disobedience, you will get 20 marks. I want you to count each one and say sorry after every one." He says calmly from behind. When he's calm like that I know where he plans on directing his anger.. I get ready to brace myself.

"Since you didn't count after that first one, we start again. If you fail to keep track or apologize after every hit we will restart." I can hear the smirk in his voice. Of course he is enjoying this.

I prepare myself to feel the second swing of the paddle. It feels like minutes have passed, with me left stumbling with a stinging ass. Out of no where it happens. I barely even register before I feel I second one.

"Oops, you didn't count or apologize for that first one. I guess we need to start over again. Along with that I'm going to add ten more." Once again he says calmly. This is going to hurt.

A few more seconds pass and then he strikes again. As soon as I feel the sting I yelp " One, sorry sir!". And then again he strikes I count again and apologize. He rapidly does 5 more and I count and apologize quickly in between each one.

"What a good girl you are. Taking this all for me. You look so pretty like this. Ass red. Nipples hard. And a needy mess in between your legs." He says as he pinches both of my nipples. His one hand wanders and stops just before the spot that I need him to touch the most. And I whine.

"Aww poor baby, you're so wet. Only a little pain slut like you would get off to something like this. If you're good I will help you with that once we are done with your punishment." He whispers into my ear inbetween closer and closer strokes downward.

At this point I'm whining and bucking my hips to try and feel any sort of pressure where I needed it most. And that's when it happens, the 9th blow. I immediately count it and apologize. He takes his time dealing out the rest of his blows. By the end I'm an even needier mess than when we began.

Now that we're done I'm expecting my reward for taking it like the good pain princess that I am. However I can feel my bra and panties being ripped off, though there wasn't much they were making me feel slightly less vulnerable. Now that I'm entirely exposed I start writhing as the cold air meets the most sensitive parts of my body.

Here is the first part! The second will be swiftly following. This is the first time that I've written smut and posted it. Hopefully it's not too bad! Like and comment if you want. It will always be appreciated <3

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