Surprise! pt 2

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After around 30 minutes of driving I start to see a city skyline down the highway. It just makes me so much for curious as I have no clue where we are about to go.

We shortly pull up to what I can only assume is a very fancy restaurant. He parks the car and hands the keys off to a valet before coming to let me out of the car.

"A fancy restaurant!" I exclaim

"Only the best for you princess." He says as we hold hands walking into the restaurant.

As soon as we walk up the hostess seems to recognize him.

"Your table is this way Monsieur et Madame" she stats in a rich French accent, leading us to our table.

However there is someone already sitting there. He's tall and has deep brown hair. Still lighter than my doms but not by much. I take in his striking features only to be met with piercing blue eyes. Such a contrast from my man's dark and brooding brown.

"My love, this is my friend Alex." He says guiding me into the booth, and sliding in after me.

The hostess says our waiter will be by shortly to take our drink and food orders. The restaurant is pretty bare for it being a Friday night. Only a few other couples seem to be here as well.

"Pleasure to meet you, princess." Smirks Alex reaching his hand out to meet mine. I shake his hand and mumble pleasantries back at him. Now nervous about what is going on.

I look up at my dom and he has a devilish grin plastered on his face. This can't be ending well for me. My stomach is in knots and I know he knows. He places his hands on mine in my lap and rubs soothing circles.

He pushes my hair behind my ear gently and leans in whispering "I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't like, my dear. This is for you. I promise you will be ok."

I give him a reassuring smile and take a deep breath to calm myself down just as the waiter arrives.

Alex shares his order first. Then my dom gives mine and his drink order. The waiter marks it all down and leaves us to decide what we want for appetizers and dinner.

I pick out a few options and point them out. Ultimately leaving it for him to decide. Not before long the waiter is back with our handcrafted cocktails and takes down our orders. He says the wait should be around half an hour and once again disappears into the seemingly empty dinning room.

My dom speaks first "My love, this is Alex and he will be joining us for the rest of our evenings activities."

"W-what do you mean?" I ask confused.

"What's there to be confused about darling? I told you he would be joining us this evening."

"Yes you did. But will he be here for everything?" I ask for clarification.

"Yes. He will." He smirks at me and the two men stare me down with their piercing gaze.

Alex breaks the tension by asking me questions about my life and school. I offer him answers and reciprocate the questions to him as well. If I'm going to be doing intimate things with him later I may as well know some things about him too.

We are all joking and laughing and sharing our lives with one another as the food is brought to our table. I've had a few drinks at things point and I now notice that the guys have barely touched theirs. Now realizing I'm the only one that's actually intoxicated means that I'm falling right into their plan.

I try to keep my revelation off my face as we eat as I don't want them to catch onto my realization. Tho something about how Leo, my dom, looks at me tells me he already knows that I've figured out their little plan.

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