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"Do you want to have a shower or a bath my love?" He says calmly and lovingly as he goes to get a towel to clean up our mess.

"Uhgg, I can't move" I whisper with fatigue in my voice as I lazily roll over

"Bath it is sweetheart" he says smiling coming over to carry me to the already filled tub. He gently and slowly sets me in the warm water. I hiss as it slightly stings my ass and other parts that were just abused. Once I'm in he settles in behind me and has me lean back into him in between his legs as he plays with my hair.

"You were such a good girl for me tonight, baby" he growls lowly in my ear "no complaints, just pure obedience... for the most part. But that's what I love about you, my love"

"You're welcome daddy, I always try my best for you" I whisper back as I'm slowly beginning to drift off. He gently cleans me up wish a wash cloth being extra careful near all the sensitive spots that he's created. Once I'm all cleaned up, and he is as well, he picks me up again and sets me on the bathroom counter. The cool tile feeling amazing on my over heated, bruised ass.

"I'm just going to dry you off and massage some moisturizer into your skin, darling" he tells me as he goes to get the towel to dry me off. Already heated up on the towel warmer, it feels amazing as he wraps it around me.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you for taking care of me" I shyly whisper to my dom.

"Of course my love, i would do anything for you, this is just the bare minimum, what do you say we watch a movie once we're back in bed. I have some snacks and water already ready to go on our nightstands "

"That sounds amazing, can we watch eclipse? It's one of my favourites and I've been on a twilight binge over the past little bit"

"Yes, we can. I'll get it set up once we're back in the bed room, just let me finish drying you off and stuff first". I sit there patiently as he finishes drying me off and gently rubs a soft moisturizer into my skin, all over my body. I could do this all day. Be taken care of by my daddy. He means the world to me and I know I mean the world to him. Once he's finished he gently picks me back up and carry's me back to our soft luxurious bed.

He hands me a water and a small bag of chips while he sits next to me with the remote going to find the movie I chose.

"Can I snuggle with you daddy?"
Before I can even register what is happening he gently grabs me and pulls me closer so that I'm snuggled in next to him. He puts his arms around me and hits play on the movie. I'm not sure at what point, but I fell asleep. I wake up to the end credits rolling, and I'm still snuggled right in tight, next to my daddy. He's got me all wrapped up in his arms, I've never felt safer. I give him a small peck on his cheek and he smiles in his sleep. With that I snuggle in deeper and fall back asleep myself. Yet another amazing night spent with my favourite person.

Hii! I'm so sorry for taking so long to get this out. It isn't much but it's how I wanted to finish this shot. I've decided to keep this strictly sub and dom one shots. There might be a few shots that have more than 2 people, however not many. I have plans for that type of stuff elsewhere :)

I actually have a good reason as to what took so long, as it wasn't my plan to take so long to get this out. And I should have a more frequent posting schedule now. I ended up getting super sick and was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I'm doing much better than I was. I'm still not 100% and probably won't be, at least not for the next couple of weeks. At least I'm feeling well enough to get this started again. I have some ideas for the next one I want to write! Can't wait for y'all to see it!

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