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Finishing my few hours of school I go and wait for my dom to come pick me up.

I made it to all my classes on time and even participated in a few. I'm so excited to tell him about it and see what reward was promised!

After only waiting less than a minute he pulls up and stops. He gets out before I can even reach the door to come and open it for me.

I smile and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He doesn't seem satisfy him as he grabs my jaw and kisses me deeply on the lips.

"That's better baby." He smirks into my mouth.

"Yes sir" I mumble in ecstasy.

He helps me into the car reaching over to buckle me. And then taking my back and putting it in the trunk. I look over and he got my favourite drink for me in the cup holder.

I take some sips of it smiling as he gets back in the car.

"I see you found your little treat darling."

I look over smile still plastered on my face "Yes sir! Thank you. I love you"

"Aww I love you too, and you're very welcome. Let's get you home so we can get you ready." He says as he starts the car starting to head back home.

"Get me ready? For what?" I ask

"You'll have to wait and see my love. We're going to have a busy night."

"Oh..? Ok, I can't wait!"

I get comfy cuz we don't live too close to my university. He settles his hand on my thigh and we listen to music on our way home.

Taking this as a chance to relax and unwind from my busy day so far I slowly start to doze off until we get home. Once parked I slowly wake up to him unbuckling me.

He helps me up and offers to carry me. I decline because I'm ok to walk.

We make our way up to the apartment we he already has a snack layed out for me.

I go and eat while he finishes up some work and then I got up to him to find out what I need to do to get ready.

"Well first we're going to start by you having a nice long bath. I'll help you pick out an outfit and then we will have to be on our way. We need to be out of the house by 7." He informs me

"What thats so much time, why do I need to start so early??"

"Because I have plans, baby." He says grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs to the bathroom.

He gets the water started as I undress and put on a robe. I go over to the smell of lavender and eucalyptus and I see he's drawn me a bubble bath.

I drop the robe and hop in. The heat from the water easing my tense muscles. I start to relax and close my eyes as I start to hear a buzzing sound. I open them but before I have time to react and do anything he's pushing the toy onto my throbbing parts.

I gasp and squirm, he holds he still with his other hand playing with me and rubbing me in all different ways.

After a few minutes that feeling returns and I can feel myself almost reach the cusp of release but then the sensation stops.

I whine and start bucking my hips in frustration.

"Easy my dear, I know you were so good for me. This is just a build up for later."

I look up at him pouting before I once again relax into the water. Closing my eyes once more and ask him about his day. I patiently listen as I allow the water to soak my sore body.

Once I'm ready to get out he helps me up and out while holding a towel to dry me off on. I go to sit down so I can apply some lotion however he tells me to stand in front to the sink. He will do it for me. I go stand on the heated floors by the sink waiting for him to come and apply the lotion.

He starts up by my neck massaging out all the tight spots before moving down my back. Once again stopping and rubbing out all the tight muscles. He goes down my arms and hand, the from of my stomach, just missing the parts I want him to touch most.

He rubs out my ass that still has marks on it from earlier. He then bends down and starts at my feet. Slowly yet throughly massaging them. He works his way up my calf's and thighs. By this point I'm totally relaxed and heavily relying on him and the counter to keep me up.

I gasp as my dom puts his mouth to my aching parts. He expertly works his tongue thrusting it in and out of me. Only to suck and bite my clit until I once again am just about to finish. Only for him to sigh and complexly stop. I sigh in frustration as he gets up while continuing to support me because I would fall over if he didn't.

"I know you want more my love. You'll have to wait till later." He murmurs into my neck, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. He tells me to nap for a while. I don't hesitate to do what I'm told as I'm so exhausted.

I pass out after what feels like only a few seconds only to wake up to my body being jostled. I open my eyes, wet and confused with a fuzzy feeling between my legs.

"Shhh baby go back to sleep. I was just having some fun."

I settle back down and close my eyes. That feeling once again building only for him to stop. I whimper and whine however that doesn't seem to get me anywhere. I fall back asleep after a few minutes. Feeling even more exhausted than I had before my short nap.

I slowly wake up to him sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Good morning my dear. It's time to get up. We need to get you ready for our busy evening."

I move to get up and he helps me. We walk over to the closet where he already has a beautiful deep red dress picked out. Along with a pair of black suede heels and some silver jewelry. I put it on and quickly put my hair up into a French twist.

I touch up my makeup and go down to the stairs to meet him in the foyer.

"Ready to go my love? We will get there a little early. There's nothing wrong with that tho."

"Where are we going?! I wanna know so bad"

"You'll find out soon enough" he smirks.

We walk down to the car and he once again helps me in. We hit the highway and I just cannot wait to see where we are going.

Ok so this is a little late but at least I kinda finished a part of it.

It's late so I'm gonna end it here and I'll try and finish the rest tomorrow. ( like for real)

I hope everyone is well!

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