Ready for the day

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As steamy hot water blissfuly runs down my body I hear the bathroom door creak open.

I begin to lather shampoo into my hair as cloths drop on the other side of the shower curtain. Before I know it he is behind me nudging my hands out of the way so he can take over.

He's always so controlling like that. Thinking everything he does is better than how I'm doing it. I wouldn't change it for the world tho.

As he massages my scalp I slowly behind to lose my balance, leaning backwards onto him.

"That feel nice princess?" I can hear the smirk on his face. He knows what he does to me.

"Yes, sir. Thank you" I say while in a serene haze.

He continues to throughly massage and wash my scalp. Moving out of the way of the water when he needs to rinse my hair.

As he begins to condition it I can feel my legs begin to weaken even more as I can feel his stiff length now fully hard against my back.

He piles my hair on top of my head to let the conditioner sit and his hands begin to wander.

I try to squirm out of his grip as I'm unsure if I can handle any more of his torment. Only to be met with more forceful grasps and a tighter grip. I stop fighting and give in to whatever he has in mind.

As he massages my body up and down, missing all of the parts I want him to touch the most I reach behind me to try and touch his length. Only for him to take a step back and if he didn't have such a tight hold on me I would have fallen.

"Take what I give you little one. Be happy with what you get or there will be worse things in store for you." He growls into my ear.

I tense and nod my head leaning back into him. 

"Words." He says sternly.

"Yes sir. I will take what you give and I will not be upset." Relaxing as he lessens his grip continuing to tease me.

"Good girl. My perfect princess." He says with a smile as he finally touches me where I need him to most.

I gasp and grab onto him so that I don't completely lose my balance. I'm puffy and swollen down there from our previous morning activities. Tho I know that only turns him on more.

His pace speeds up and due to the stimulation from earlier it doesn't take long for me to begin to feel that all too familiar pulsing. Only for him to stop and go back to teasing me. I let out a frustrated sigh and am met with a harsh slap to my tit.

"OUCH" I yelp out.

"What did I say baby girl. Take what I give and do not be upset. This is a lesson you have learnt. Do I need to teach you again?"

"No sir. I'm sorry sir. I will behave." I say as he massages out the slap.

"Good girl. Now turn and face me and kneel." He states commandingly.

I turn and face him without hesitation and kneel onto the hard tile.

I look up at him through my eyelashes and he groans reaching out to grab my hair and pull my in closer to him.

"My beautiful girl. Whatever will I do with you." He sighs contently, stroking my hair which is now splayed down my back once again. 

After a few seconds he guides my mouth to his length and I know exactly what he wants.

Taking him deep into my mouth touching the back of my throat he lets out a hearty moan. I begin to bob my head however he holds me still. I look up at him as he strokes my face.

"I'm in charge darling. I get to control you." He says as he takes my face into his hands and slowly guides my mouth up and down his length.

I gag slightly as he pushes himself deeper. While it's nothing I can't handle, the feeling will always be foreign to me.

He moves my head up and down as I hollow out my cheeks only to hear to the most delicious moans stream from his mouth.

"The things that you do to me.. I fear I'll never recover princess." He says in a dreamy haze. Eyes rolling back as he guides me faster and deeper by the second. 

I'm now fully gaging taking whatever few seconds of reprieve that I'm given to guzzle down air. My lungs are burning however I know better than to fight back only for oxygen. It's not something I'm willing to pay the price for.

His motions are beginning to become more frantic and I know he is close. My own heat fluttering as it feels amazing to know I can help him in the same ways he helps me. 

Groans of pleasure flood from him as a hot salty liquid coats the back of my throat. I swallow and lap it all up making sure that I do not miss a drop.

He holds he still keeping himself deep in my throat for a few more seconds before releasing me. I heave for air as he praises me for my good work.

He helps me up and rinses out the conditioner fully. Only to then reach for the loofa and suds it up with soap. He lathers my quivering body with lavender soap.

His touch feels like heaven. I look up at him expectantly wanting him to continue what he started on my early.

Without stopping he whispers out "I know you said you understand to take what I give, princess. But I figured you still needed a reminder. If you're good for the rest of the day I will have a surprise for you later. Only if you are on your best behaviour for the rest of the day."

As he continues to wash me and clean all of the mess we made together off of me I tiredly whisper ok "ok sir. I'll behave"

He smiles at me and begins to rinse me off. He continues to let me lean on him as he cleans himself up and then gently sets me down on the floor as I do not have the energy to stand.

"Finish getting ready and I'll drive you to school. How does that sound darling?" He asserts while stepping out of the shower reaching for a towel.

"Ok sir. I'll get out and get ready soon."

I let the water run over me in a marvellous manor. It feels amazing and is exactly what I need right now on my sore and achy body.

I soon after hear the bathroom door open and close again. I'm once again alone. After a few more minutes I turn the water off and hop out and dry off. Somehow there is an outfit hanging on the door for me. I don't even know how that possible.

I finish drying off and blow dry my hair. I apply my makeup and get dressed in the comfy yet stylish outfit he chose for me.

I walk out of the bathroom and there is breakfast sitting on my desk for me. I sit down and eat. It's my favourite. He always knows just what I need.

I check the time and start to panic. I need to leave now or else I'll be late.

I call out to him "baby we need to go! I'm going to be late!" An alarmed and rushed tone to my voice.

He meets me downstairs and holds my hand out to the car. Helping me in and bucking me. He gets in and we speed off in the direction of my university. Coffee in hand, belly full and content. I smile as I await the surprise he has for me. I'm gonna behave the best I can. I'm so excited I can't wait to see what he has in store for me.


Here's the rest of their morning. A steamy little shower session before our main character heads off to school.

What do you think the surprise for later will be? I have a few ideas in mind for her haha

I hope everyone is well and I'll try to get this next part out as soon as I can. Most of it is already written I just need to add a few more details and stuff and then we're good to go.

The holidays have been busy and I've been working lots. I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and I wish you a happy new year!!

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