A dreamy morning

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I begin to stir as I feel my princess parts start to throb and slicken.

My eyes start to flutter open as the gentle morning sun meets my eyes and I begin to realize what's happening to my body.

"Mmmm you taste so good darling."
Moans out my dom

I let out a gasp as he nips me and then goes right back to the delicious feeling he was doing before.

After not much more of that I'm already starting to attempt grinding down on his face. As soon as I make a movement to do so I'm pinned down with a massive hand.

"Let me do all the work princess. You just lay there and take what I have to give you."

He takes me back into his mouth but this time there's the addition of a hand teasing my entrance. Gentle, yet demanding.

At this point I can feel my muscles start to tense and threaten to contract. I let out a long breathy moan and he stops.

"Wha-what was that?! Why'd you stop!" I whine out and sit up as now I'm frustrated. I was so close. Only a few more seconds and I would've had my blissful release.

"I'm not done with my breakfast yet. Lay back and relax before I have to restrain you with more than my hands."

I lay back down and after a few moments he begins again. Taking my now swollen parts back into his mouth. And this time instead of toying with my entrance, a few fingers are inserted and begin pumping with little to no faltering. And no sign of stopping.

With his fingers pumping and with his mouth on me I can't help but to moan and squirm under him. If only this was my wake-up alarm everyday.

Before I know it I'm calling out his name as I once again am close to reaching my release. Only for him to stop once more.

With tears now forming and threatening to fall I let out a frustrated noise.

"I'm not sure how much longer I can handle this, sir"

"As I said, I'm not done with my breakfast. This is twice now. Apparently I haven't taught you well enough to take what I give." He stats in a demanding yet lustrous tone. 

He slowly backs away and begins to stand reaching his full height. Before I know it I'm flipped onto my stomach and he's on top me. His hard bulge pressing into my ass.

"I knew my hands weren't going to be enough. Take what I give. It's all you're going to get."

The next thing I know he's pressing his cock at my entrance and reaching around to tease my very swollen and sensitive bud.

He's now pounding into me relentlessly. I can't help but to let out a continuous string of moans and graphic vocabulary. I haven't even finished yet I'm already so sensitive.

Now that he's so close to me I can feel his hot breath on my neck before he begins kissing and sucking and bitting. Thank god it's winter so I can wear turtle necks without being it suspicious.

Once again before I know it, due to so much stimulation I can feel myself getting closer to finishing. This time he doesn't let up however he pounds into me harder.

I let out a moan that almost sounds like a scream as I fully tense and begin to quiver as my release fully takes hold of me.

I can feel his mouth smiling at my neck and I know that this isn't the end.  I start to squirm under him however I find that I can barely move with his weight over me like that.

"You wanted to come so bad, I'm going to give you just that." He breathily moans into my ear.

At this point I'm so overstimulated tears are freely flowing. I don't even know how it's possible but I can feel his stiff length become even harder with the addition of my tears.

He continues to play with me as he pounds into me without letting up. I'm at the point where I'm beginning to sob as I can feel another one slowly start to form again.

"Already coming again so soon? You're such a needy whore today, my love."

And with that I reach my peak once again. This time screaming as he forces it out of me once again.

He starts to pound into me even harder as I'm still spasming under him, chasing his own release.

With that I somehow manage to cum for a third and final time along with him.

We both release moans of pure ecstasy as we finish together.

The next thing I know I'm curled up next to him as he wipes away any remaining tears.

"You did so well for my little bunny. I should treat you this way every morning." He gentle whispers while stroking my hair.

"That was amazing. It's a shame it's first thing in the morning as I'd love to fall back asleep curled up in your arms" I say hazily as I'm exhausted from our activities. 

"We can have a nap later this afternoon. We have to get you up and ready for you classes today."

I snuggle into him for a little while more, drinking the water he gives me as I accept the gentle strokes he leaves on my head and back. After a few more minutes I begin to get up as I should start getting ready for my day. Anyways the faster the day goes by, the faster I get to see my amazing dom later today.

With a sigh we both get up and begin to get ready for the busy day a head of us.

Hi again!

I figured that since I haven't written for a hot minute I'd give you a nice long steamy story.

I haven't had a lot of motivation for much, however inspiration struck and now we have that lol.

Anyways I hope everyone is doing well. Maybe I'll add onto this story with their day..

(Let's see how long it takes me to do that lmaoo)

Stay safe and have a happy holidays!

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