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By that third torturous release I pass out from exhaustion. When I wake in an unknown amount of time later I'm in a bed of soft linen. A glass of water and an energy bar of some sort on the night stand. When I reach over to drink some water I find myself restricted. I'm chained to the bed. Fuck. I'm not left alone for long before a masked man saunters into the room.

"If you want to have a sip of that water, princess, you'll have to do something for me first." I can all but see the devious smile on his face. Even though it is only a half mask, the  light in the room makes it difficult to see the full expressions on his face.  I scowl at him attempting my best angry look and directing it right at him.

"No need to be so angry my dear. You'll get your water and food soon. I promise." He says sitting down on the bed next to me.

I take this chance to avoid looking at him and glance around the room. The very bare, very empty room. There aren't even any windows. Just the bed and two doors on opposing ends. One of them being the one he came in through.

He leans towards me and gently caresses the side of my face.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, princess."

He starts getting a bit more handsy as he moves closer. Groping and grabbing me as he kisses my neck and chest. No having anywhere to go all I can do is accept what he has to give. I watch as he slowly moves the one hand under the blanket and begins to feel my wetness soak through the underwear I now have on. What a freak. I let out a light moan as he prods at my sore entrance with his fingers.

"I knew that you would still be ready for more." He mumbles into my hair.

After some very slow and entrancing strokes he finally plunges two fingers inside me in a quick and unforgiving motion. After a few thrusts of his fingers he manages to find the sweet spot inside. After wringing out a few breathy moans from me he stops. I can feel him watching me. My expression. And my displeasure as he removes his fingers from me. He tsk's at me and he pulls me down so I'm laying down and moves overtop of me. He pushes the warm blanket out of the way and continues to kiss me while moving down, down, down, down. Right until he is at the apex of my thighs doing only what I can assume is starting right into my soul.

He rips off the underwear in a quick motion and immediately begins licking, sucking, teasing and tasting me. I moan as I'm overwhelmed by the pleasure. I can feel the pulse building at my core. Instead of torturing me this time he allows my release to explode through me. Causing intense convulsions all throughout my body. Only instead of not allowing me to finish, he does not stop. Still being incredibly overstimulated from before I begin to cry and attempt to wiggle away from him. But by being chained to the bed and in such close proximity to him I have no where to go. I cry and plead for him to stop. This only seems to encourage him as he brings me to yet another orgasm. He continues for a few moments more only to slow down and stop and listen to my begging plead.

"You taste divine, princess. I just couldn't get enough of you. I'll get you some water now." He says softly as he reaches over me to grab the glass of water. He gently brings it up to my lips to allow me to take small sips. Once I've darken around 3/4 of the glass he put it down and pick up the energy bar. Slowly unwrapping it and bringing it up to my lips. I eat most of the bar before stopping. He wipes some of the crumbs off of my face and kisses my forehead.

"I'll let you have a rest now before we continue. I'll be back. Sleep." He says as he leaves the room.

Once again I'm alone in an empty bedroom. I try pulling out of the cuffs that tie me to the bed. With no success I eventually give up and slowly begin to doze off. The exhaustion finally catching up to me and taking over.

Oh my god she feels amazing. Her tight warm core satiating a need I didn't even know I had. I can't stop. I can't. She's mine. Mine. Her sweet sleeping body. Her relaxed face. Everything. All of it is mine.

It took forever for me to learn her schedule. Find her school. Follow to and from the university. Her apartment. Her "boyfriends" apartment. All of the little local coffee shops and grocery stores she goes to. I've been following her for months at this point. All I needed to do was dispose of that waste she called a boyfriend and take her for myself. Which was easier said than done. What an idiot she attached herself to. She hasn't even said a thing about him once. Not even caring that he was supposed to pick her up. Not me. I can't really complain anymore. I got what I wanted. I get to keep what I wanted. Oh the things I'll do with my pretty, pretty princess. I can't wait.

I slowly start to wake. Slowly flickering my tired eyes open. I can feel my body shifting. Moving. Clenching. I wake up immediately once I realize what is happening. I start trying to move away from him. Stop him from pounding into me. However my body betrays me. I lean into the soft mattress and push my body back into his. I shouldn't be enjoying this. But I am. I shouldn't be liking him like this. But I do. I just can't help it. There is something about him. I don't even know what. I'm so drawn to him it's overwhelming. The electricity I feel between the two of us is almost antagonizing. Simply because I know that we can't get any closer. Any more conjoined. I move my lips up to kiss him. And he reciprocates. Pulling me into a deep and demanding kiss. Enthralling and luxurious. I can feel myself reaching a climax. An earth shattering climax. He slowly brings us both to the edge finishing at the same time. Moaning into each other's mouths. Tasting each other's sweat. He continues through our orgasms drawing them out before he finally collapses next to me.

"What an amazing girl you are, princess" he says sweetly as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I smile up at him humming with pleasure. He cuddles up right next to be holding me tight.

"Sleep now my dear. I won't be disturbing you for quite some time now. You need to rest and recover before we do anything more."

"Yes, sir" I squeak out snuggling into him and getting comfortable. Only now do I realize that I'm no longer restrained to the bed. I pull him closer to me and settle my body into his. He circles lazy strokes across my back and into my hair as we both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.


Okok I know I'm late but here is the second part to it. I needed a couple of days to figure out how I wanted it to go. I'm actually pretty happy with it lol.

Also, I can't believe almost 15k people have read these short stories. I'm actually in shock. I didn't expect anyone to actually read these. Thank you. I genuinely appreciate it.

It is summer now (or almost) so hopefully I'll be posting things a bit more. I do enjoy writing these it just takes up so much energy and I don't always have the time to do it.

Anyways enough of my rambling. I hope you all enjoy and I can't wait to see where the story takes us!

(I'm going to go back and edit everything later this week, ignore those updates lol, unless I end up adding to any. I'll make an announcement if I do.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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