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It's a chilly fall evening. I can feel the cool air breeze beneath my mini skirt. Not one of my brightest ideas. The sky is darkening quickly as I'm looking for Alex's car. He said he was here and not parked very far away. As I'm walking towards the street across the courtyard I swear; I can feel someone watching me. I quicken my pace to try and get that feeling off my back. I stop and look around because I thought I heard a sound. I glance towards the cars parked near the street. I don't see his sleek black sports car anywhere.

Before I know it someone grabs me from behind. Getting a good grip with one hand grabbing my waist. And the other wrapping around the front of my neck with something cold pressed against my jugular. I try to wriggle out of his grasp almost paralyzed with fear.

A husky low voice rasps "I wouldn't move if I was you, princess. I'd hate to ruin that pretty neck of yours."

I immediately stop moving with the knife pressing more against my neck. Now I'm paralyzed by fear.

"We're going to take a turn this way and you aren't going to put up a fuss now, are you?"

I ever so slightly shake my head no. Too fearful of a quaking voice to utter the word no.

"Good girl."

And we begin moving. He's almost half dragging me as my body seems to be paralyzed. I'm almost completely unable to move. We start approaching a blacked out car. Once I'm inside no one will see me. Or I doubt even hear me. I take one last chance before being dragged in to remove myself from his grasp. The only thing that comes from that is a small nick to my neck and even more forceful hands gripping me.

"I thought you agreed to not cause a fuss. I'm going to have to punish you now, princess. You're in for a real treat." He whispers seductively into my ear.

I can feel myself slightly dampen by that tone of voice alone. Something about it just hitting all the right spots despite my fear.

He quickly shoves me into the backseat of the car looking around to ensure no one saw. He locks it and goes over to the drivers seat. I'm surprised he didn't restrain me. I begin starting to pull at the doors to try and escape. That's when I see the sliver flash of an old revolver and freeze.

"That's twice now princess. Things really aren't looking good for you now." I immediately move as far away from the gun as I can. There isn't much space for me to move. I'm stuck with it still facing me and he puts the car into drive and away we go.

I'd say one of the worst things about this car ride is the fact that I can see exactly where we are going. I'd know how to get back from where I came if I found a way to escape. Being able to see the outcome of my location is the knowledge that there is no way he would let me see this if I had any chance of escape. We drive for a few hours in complete silence. He makes a final turn and, I hold my breath as we pull into an old cottage surrounded by a densely packed Forrest. I'd have no way of escaping through that. I'd run into a beat (or worse) before I even manage to get back to the road.

We stop and he gets out walking to the side. He opens my door and motions with the gun to get out. Terrified that he will use it against me I quickly scoot out of the car trying not to touch him as I pass. Too scared to look up and into the face of my abducter I keep my head down and turn away from him. He lets out a low chuckle and grabs my arm leading me into the cottage.

It's beautiful in here. With the vintage furnishings and rustic paintings this place could almost be homey. If only a terrifying sultry creep didn't come along with it.

We walk further into the house heading towards a stair case. Panic sets in and I begin to struggle once more. My last chance at freedom before my night gets a whole lot worse. I don't get the chance to struggle for long as I'm hit over the head with the revolver immediately passing out.

I slowly open my eyes groaning. Not remembering what happened or where I am, panic starts to set in before I realize where I am.

Tied to a folding chair in a dimly lit concrete basement in nothing but the violet lingerie I put on before school this morning. My only light is a very dim lamp barely shining three feet in front of me. I once again start struggling and crying before I can see a shadow approaching but stopping just before reaching the light. I immediately stop.

"That's three times now. You really are choosing to be on my bad side tonight." He angrily gruffs out at me.

My stomach sinks and my tong dampens as I regret everything that I have done so far. I can't believe I was so stupid as to get myself into this much trouble. Especially with an aggressive angry man, who I have no clue what he has planned. Nothing good if I've pissed him off this much in such a short amount of time.

I hear the soft click of a button and something starts vibrating immediately. This is now when I realize that there is something places between my legs. Hitting all the right spots. I can't help but moan at the intensity of the vibration beneath me. Having been already so turned on out of fear I'm already on the brink of finishing. Just as I feel that rise to climax the vibrations stop. I immediately start pouting and making frustrated noises a rough hand grasp my face.

"You don't get to complain. This is going to be your punishment." He says harshly and slaps my face. I wince in pain.

"You earned this treatment yourself. You lied, so you are going to get punished. It's only fair.. princess" his husky voice almost sounds delighted as he squeezes my cheeks together before pulling away.

The vibrations start again immediately. I start squirming and writhing trying to feel it everywhere at once. Attempting to grind down on it however I'm tied too tight to move enough to do so. I'm moaning and panting like a dog in heat being fuck for the first time. As I once again feel that delightful rise of my climax it once again stops.

This time I begin crying as I'm so frustrated. "Aww what pretty tears my sweet princess. Too bad I've only gotten started. You're going to need to do a lot more before you're forgiven."

Silent tears flow down my already tear stained checks. The vibrations start up again and I start sobbing. He continues to bring me to a point of near climax only to stop before anything can happen. This feels as though it's been happening for hours before I hear him set down the remote. My eyes so swollen from crying I'm having trouble seeing. I can hear him shuffling around the basement through my sniffles. My voice too raw from crying to speak any words. I just continue crying as I can once again hear his footsteps encroaching. This time from behind.

A blindfold is quickly and roughly tied against my eyes. Pulling my hair and tying some pieces in I make pained sounds.

"Not so soon sweetheart. You'll have plenty of time to make more of those noises. The real fun hasn't even started yet." He says with what I can only assume is a smirk on his face.

The vibe that was placed between my legs is removed and something cold takes its place. He starts moving it more and more until it's pressing at my entrances. The biting cold makes me squirm.

"Remember that gun from earlier?"

He waits for me to confirm with a swift nod before he continues.

"Good. Now I'm going to fuck you with it."

Before I have time to react the gun is swiftly thrusted forwards right into me. From all of that tortuous edging from earlier it meets no resistance easily moving in and out of me. I can hear him chuckle as I assume he now notices to complete shock and pleasure mixed on my face. His pace quickens as he brings me to a climax. Only to immediately add the vibe to my clit.

A scream of horror and I overstimulation roars out of my as I'm so sensitive from before. My capture laughs bringing me to three screaming and core wrenching organs before stopping.


Speaking of stopping, I'm going to end this one here. I'll try and finish the rest tomorrow I'm just very tired while writhing this.

I also need some time to think about where I want things to go. Inspiration struck and so I wrote out a new chapter lol.

I didn't read through any of it a second time so I hope there aren't too many mistakes and everything makes sense 🤞

I hope you enjoy!

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