Chapter 31. Leave

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A/N: By request of tluvsu  another chapter.


My heart starts racing as I run down the stairs, trying to find out what happened.

I stop in my tracks when I see Lorenzo laying on the kitchen island in pain.

Dami starts pacing around screaming knocking things over in anger. Margo comes rushing downstairs and sees her boyfriend going feral. She walks up to him trying to calm him down but he yells at her telling her to fuck off.

I have never seen Dami like this before. Ever.

I walk up to Dami being scared of him acting like this but brushing the fear aside. I yank his hand trying to stop him from ruining things as Athena is helping Lorenzo.

"Calm down Dami!" I yell at him and he looks at me devastated, pulling me into a hug as he starts crying. "I'm sorry Ivy. I'm so sorry." He says his voice cracking and my heart breaks. "Dami please don't cry. It's ok, it's not your fault." I tell him trying to comfort him.

60% of the family that didn't leave last night comes downstairs shocked. Luca shoo's everybody and they leave shortly after. After Dami's done crying, we walk to Lorenzo's side. Pain written on his face as Athena tries to remove the bullets from his body.

He struggles as he screams agonized and I start to sob trying to hold him down. "Lorenzo please hold still!" He continues screaming as he grabs my wrist subconsciously squeezing it with all his might. I ignore the pain trying to be here for him and help him.

4 hours later I stare straight into space as Margo joins me on the couch. I look at my bloodied hands as Margo starts talking. "I hate that all the attention is on you. I couldn't even help my own boyfriend. It was you who did. It's always you and I hate it!" She says screaming and I flinch.

I continue to stare at my bloodied hands as she continues screaming at me. "You always have to ruin everything! You always get what you want!" And that's where I snap. "You think this is what I want?!" I yell at her showing my hands in her face.

I continue yelling at her. "You think I want my boyfriends blood on my hands?! To live like this?! You think I want this?!" Now I'm all in her face yelling at her as Dami comes to pull me back.

Not being able to cry, the dried tears not wanting to leave.

"Even though you suffer, you only suffer a bit! At the end of today it's always you Ivy!" She says screaming at me and tries to attack me. Dami comes to stand in front of me looking at her sternly. "Margo, my best friend and her boyfriend is on the verge of dying. Couldn't you wait even a day to say all this dumb shit?!" He says yelling at her and tears start to form in her eyes.

Athena comes walking in. "What's going on?" I look at her smiling. "Nothing. You can go to bed I'll clean up." She nods tiredly and Luca takes her to bed.

I look at Margo in disgust. "It's 3AM Margo. Go to bed." She sniffles and looks at Dami. "Dami?"

Dami looks away and she walks away in tears. He turns around and sits on the couch with a huge relief. "You need to join her upstairs Dami." I tell him and he scoffs. "Why should I? She's being so selfish."

I shrug. "She may be but she tried being there for you and you cussed her out pushing her away. You didn't do that with me." He shakes his head. "That's because you're like a sister to me. I don't care that you see me weak." He tells me and I hug him. "I know but you need to let her in if you want her to be there for you."

He rakes his hand trough his hair. "You're right." He says as he gets up and goes to find Margo.

I walk back into the kitchen to clean the mess and blood up. After cleaning I walk into our bedroom seeing him lay down unconscious. I sigh and sit on the bed. "Ivy." He suddenly says and I shake my head. "Please don't Lorenzo."

He coughs. "Ivy, I'm sorry. I am." I nod. "I know. But can I be mad? I don't feel like I can because you're the one being physically hurt." I tell him and he tries to hold my hand. "Ivy you can be mad at me I deserve it. But don't leave me."

I smile. "I'm not leaving you." He looks at me confused. "Then why did you say that in the living room when you were arguing with Margo?"

My eyes widen. "That's not what I meant. I meant I don't want to suffer but not in the sentence I don't want to be with you." He shakes his head. "If I make you suffer you shouldn't be with me." He mumbles and I chuckle. "What?"

He holds my hand. "After we're back from Italy-"

I cut him off and remove my hand out of his. "Lorenzo don't do this. Don't say what you're going to say." He closes his eyes. "Ivy you don't have to suffer you know that right."

I roll my eyes. "I do! I'm not willingly suffering. Me staying is my choice as much as it's yours." I stand my ground and he smirks. "You're very fiery." He cups my cheek. "But you can't be with me if you're suffering. I don't want you suffering." He tells me and my breath hitches.

"I need to go for fresh air." I get up and walk out of the room. He walks behind me grunting. "It's 3am you can't go walking this late." I continue walking. "Yeah no shit. I know how to defend myself. Go back inside."

He struggles behind me trying to walk and I scoff. "Lorenzo go away I need to think clearly and I can't think clearly with you being here." I tell him and he laughs. "Don't make me laugh I'm in pain."

I roll my eyes. "Lorenzo." I tell him sternly and he looks at me sarcastically. "Ivy."

"What happened to 'I don't want to see you suffering you need to leave me' huh?" I ask him and he walks towards me. I hit the chest of the idiot. "Don't do stupid stuff when you're hurt." I tell him and nods.

He holds my hand looking me in the eyes. "I don't want you to leave." I smile. "Then don't let me leave, because I don't want to either."

He cups my cheek and kisses me. "I'm not leaving you."

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