Chapter 41. Whiskey

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A/N: YALL the spiked drink is getting explained here! And wrote 4 chapters last night....


The next day...

"I'm telling you she spiked my drink!" I groan yelling at Dami and he looks at me confused.

Hell I'd be too.

"Why would she do that?" He asks me and I look at him ready to hit him. "How am I supposed to fucking know. She's a psychopath Since she's known Ivy, she's been jealous of her. Maybe she tries to ruin our relationship because of that!"

Dami sighs. "What drug could she even have used. More importantly, will Ivy believe you."

I sit down on the stool, defeated. "I don't know. I don't think she will, but I have to try. I can't let her go Damiano."

Dami nods. "That's all I needed to know. I'll try my best to get you your information mio fratello (my brother)." Dami gives me a bro hug and I sigh. "Thank you."

He pushes me. "Now try and get your woman back. She'll be here in minus 5 minutes." I smile. "Yes sir."

Dami leaves the penthouse going to leave me and Ivy alone.

I've sent up a little brunch date to properly talk. Not like this is going to fix everything, but we don't have to talk awkward.

The penthouse elevator dings, signing me she's here. I walk around the corner and see her walking in. "Hi baby." I tell her walking up close to her, trying to hug her but she flinches. "Hi." She tells me nervously, and I take a step back, granting her space.

I clear my throat. "I'm sorry. I'll give you your personal space." I tell her dropping my hands besides me. She nods. "Thank you." She says quietly.

I hate that I can't touch her. Hug her, tell her how much I've missed her. But I need to respect her space. She's still shaken up and rightfully so.

"Please, follow me." I tell her and lead her to the kitchen. She sees the table setting, smiling lightly. "I got your favorite desserts. It won't fix anything but if we were going to talk I can't not get you anything." I tell her and now she smiles fully. "Thank you I appreciate it."

I show her her seat and pull it out for her. She sits down and I take my seat too.

I start the conversation we desperately need to have. "Ivy, I'm sorry. I genuinely am. I don't know what had gotten into me. I don't ever physically hurt women like that, and I never meant to do it with you." I tell her truthfully and she looks me in my eyes. "Then how come you did?" She asks me.

"I don't know for sure, but I believe I had been drugged, increasing my aggression level. While that is no excuse, it is the truth." I plead, hoping she believes me. "Who drugged you." She says more demanding the answer than asking.

"Marg-" I say but she cuts me off, abruptly standing up. "You've got to be kidding me." She laughs hurt. "Bambina (baby) it's true. When I visit-" she cuts me off again.

"You cannot blame all our issues on that woman. And this is absurdly low of you! Blaming her for you man handling me?!" She yells at me and I look away. Feeling daggers in my heart. "Ivy, I didn't mean to hurt you. I would never hurt you! She spiked my drink!" I try to reason with her.

She sarcastically laughs. "What's next? You cheating on me and telling me she made a move first?" She rolls her eyes and I get up from my seat. "Ivy you have to believe me." I tell her.

She puts her arm up, showing off the hand mark and blue marks I left her. I look away not wanting to look at what I did to her. "Lorenzo, this is what you did. Not Margo, not Dami, hell not even Mauro. You. You cannot blame others for what you did. You have to own up to your mistakes." She says tears building up her eyes.

"I am trying to own up to my mistakes. But you won't believe me that that man hurting you on the plane wasn't me. It wasn't my conscious thoughts." I tell her, trying to blink the tears away. I need to stay fucking strong. For her. For me.

For us.

She takes her bag and scoffs. "I can't believe I came here for nothing. Can't believe I was going to give you another chance!" She says mad and walks away. I grab her hand lightly. "Bambina give me another chance. Let me prove myself to you. Please." I beg her and she shoves me away.

"I am not your bambina anymore. I'm done Lorenzo. I'm not getting into an abusive relationship again. I did that once and I'll never do it again!" She tells me but I believe she tells that more to herself. Making herself a promise.

"Ivy, you're not in an abusive relationship. I'm never going to hurt you again, ever!!" I exclaim and she rolls her eyes. "All empty fucking promises!!!"

The elevator door opens revealing Damiano. "Wow wow what's going on?" He asks Ivy trying to calm her down and she rolls her eyes. "He's trying to blame the things he caused on Margo!"

Damiano looks at me and then back at Ivy. "Ivy, bear it's true. I still need to get the proof but it's all true. He's not lying to you." He tells her but she scoffs. "Not you too Dami." She says, the hope leaving her voice.

She walks pass Damiano into the elevator. "Ivy!" He calls after her, ready to go after her. But I stop him. "Let her go Dami. She doesn't want this anymore. She doesn't want me" I tell him and he shakes his head. "No she does. She just needs space."

"Drop it!!" I snap and yell at him. He nods and leaves after Ivy.

Fuck!! I grab a glass and throw it at the wall. Breaking the table I set up for her, throwing the food around.

Hitting the wall, again and again.

When the blood comes dripping down my fist I don't stop.

Hitting and hitting, over and over again.

Getting the anger out. Allowing myself to break piece by piece.

Because that's what I am right now, in pieces without Ivy.

I didn't have a reason to live before her. Living on alcohol, fucking women every day, but still doing my job.

So that's what I'm planning to do now. Drink my sorrows away, drown in the whiskey. Not bothering to clean my wounds or clean up the mess I made.

Not paying any attention to Dami coming in, asking me if I'm alright.

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