Chapter 39. Sniffles

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A/N: Back to the update routines :,), (I think) one chapter a day


She convinced me.

She fucking me to take her on the case with us. And I'm regretting it already.

Suddenly everyone is here, Mauro my dickhead of a brother, Dami my dickhead of a little brother, even Arthur whom I met when I had my first case with Dami.

As of right now she's making friends with the men I work with and they seem to like her.

I do not like it.

I cross my arms, closing my eyes listening to the conversations she's having with my men.

"See you click right here and now you can ask your girlfriend for her location." She says excited and Arthur nods. "Thank you Ivy! I hope she's willing to share it with me." He says and she smiles. "Don't be nervous. I'm sure she will."

She continues talking with them as Mauro comes to sit next to me. "A gem you got right there." He tells me looking at Ivy and I scoff. "I'm aware. Remind me why you're here again."

"To see if everything runs smoothly. To make sure Ivy gets out here alive because bringing her on this case was reckless enough." He tells me and I look at him sharply. "Watch your lane Mauro. You don't think I can fucking protect her?!" I hiss and he raises his hands in surrender. "I didn't say that fratello (brother). All I'm here for is backup."

"Then do just that, sit the fuck down and shut up." I warn him and he gets up from his seat next to me, moving towards another one.

No one can fucking tell me how I should protect my woman. I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Ivy comes to sit next to me. "You know I heard everything. Hell, the whole crew probably did." She tells me and I sigh. "What's your point."

She crosses her arms. "Be fucking nicer to him. He tries to do what's best for you, for me. And I appreciate that, you should too." She tells me sternly and I roll my eyes already annoyed. "I do what the fuck I want. I don't need to fucking appreciate him!" I bite back.

She scoffs. "Have it your fucking way." She gets up and goes to sit next to Mauro.

Arthur sucks a deep breath in. "Yikes."

I grow even more annoyed. "Can everyone mind their fucking business! I'm the boss, I know what the fuck I'm doing. Do you hear me?!" I roar.


"I said; do you fucking hear me or not?!" I bark at them and they nod in unison. "Yes sir."

"Then do what the fuck is expected from you. o vi ucciderò tutti io stesso (or I'll kill all of you myself." I finish my sentence and they get back to work.

Everyone is trying to tell me how to feel, what to do. I'm fucking sick and tired of it. I'm the damn boss! They should listen to me not the other way around.

Ivy scoffs and huffs to the restroom. I follow her taking her hand, trying to stop her from walking. She yanks her hand out of my grip. "Sei il grande capo giusto. Nessuno può dirti un cazzo. Allora lasciami in pace, cazzo. (You're the big boss right. Nobody can tell you shit. Then leave me the fuck alone.)" She says in Italian so nobody can hear our conversation.

"Ivy." I warn her with gritted teeth. She laughs. "No fuck you. Fuck this. How can you treat them like that while they're trying to help you." She says poking my chest and I grab her finger. "You care more about them?!" I ask her frustrated and close the door so they can't listen on our conversation.

"For fucks sake. I'm trying to make it up with you, and you're more worried about them!" I yell at her and she stands her ground. "Don't you fucking yell at me. They're loyal to you and you treat them like garbage. They shouldn't care about you!" She bits back.

"Oh boohoo. I'm their boss, I buy their loyalty!" I throw my hands in the air and she laughs. "Really?! You think if there wasn't any money on the table they'd leave you for the sharks?! They wouldn't! I have spoken to them, actually made conversation, trying to get to know them better. They care and they're loyal to you! But they shouldn't be!"

I feel the plane land and I guess we argued trough the landing. She felt it too and leaves the restroom. I follow behind her, calling out to her. "Ivy!"

She continues walking up to Mauro. "Get me out of here." She tells him and he nods. I bark out to Mauro. "Don't you fucking dare take her away from me Mauro!" He looks back at me. "You're not in the right headspace. She needs a time out as well as you. I'll take care of her."

I hysterically laugh. "Just like you took care of Venus" Mauro looks at me as his head hangs low at my sentence. Ivy marches up to trying to slap me but I catch her hand. She shakes her head. "What has gotten into you! He's fucking trying! You don't just throw that in somebody's face if they know what they did! He's owning up to it!" She says, disappointment written all over her face.

Mauro mumbles. "It's alright Ivy. Don't worry about it." I scoff. "Mauro leave!" I roar and try to drag Ivy with me but she refuses. "Let me go!" My grip tightens around her arm. "Let's go." I tell her sternly and she tries to get out of my grip. "Lorenzo you're hurting me!"

"She said let go!" Dami and Mauro run up to me tackling me down trying to restrain me. I try to look at Ivy seeing her red arm and stained face. That's when everything that happened hits me.

Seeing my calmed down body language, Dami and Mauro get off of me as I try to stand up, walking to Ivy. "Ivy, please, I'm-" She takes a step back holding her arm. "Mauro, Dami, please get me out of here." She says trough sniffles, broken.

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