Untitled Part 46

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Chapter 274: Carrots, Sticks, and Swords (2)

Charlotte always maintained the same poker face. Looking again, she had many similarities with Charlia.

The same went for her platinum hair, as well as for her white skin tone. I thought that, if I were looking from a distance, it would probably be hard to tell them apart.

Of course, upon closer inspection, there was a difference between her and the First Princess, who had a vicious expression, but I basically realized that she inherited the same imperial blood.

'If her hair color had been different, it would have been a little more convenient...'

Going along with the rumors about the poor blood would have been easier.

I didn't know if she knew what I was thinking, but after Charlotte tucked her flowing hair in her ear, she spoke once more.

"A person doesn't change so easily."

"Yes. I also agree with you. I actually have that kind of thought... I wonder why you are saying that to me."

"You don't have to pretend you don't know, Honorary Bishop Lee Kiyoung. I know roughly what kind of person you are, and don't you know what kind of person I am?"

"Really, I don't know what your Majesty Charlotte is talking about, and in a place like this?"

"I'm asking now about you taking the same path as my sister."

I thought she was pretty direct. As I thought it was time to save her words, I quietly shut my mouth, and she continued talking.

"I thought you were a chatty type, but you spoke lesser than I thought."

"It looked like you had the wrong idea about me."

"Yes. You are right. I indeed had the wrong idea. I thought you were a little more rational, but... you're just acting out of common sense."

'You're right.'

Anyone could see that it was not a rational act to stick to Charlia's side.

Normally, I would have chosen to side up to Charlotte right away. My fear of how much Kim Hyunsung's request and his whip would hurt was to blame for this irrationality.

"I've heard a lot about you."


"Especially from Victor Hart. I already knew you didn't really like making concessions, but you've acted more extreme than I thought. I admit I was making some misjudgments about you. And I apologize for the rudeness I have shown before."

"Saying that was rude. I'm worried someone might hear you, Your Majesty."

"I was telling you about what I was doing to get rid of your hands and feet, Honorary Bishop. As you can understand, I didn't feel very happy about your existence. Had the Honorary Bishop been in my position, you too would have thought about how to restrain yourself. The fact that one person has too much power is a threat to someone like me."

"I don't think I have much power, Your Majesty Charlotte. How can I talk about my power in front of a member of the imperial family?"

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable having this kind of conversation. But I don't think you will respond if I say this. Then, let's change the subject."

Charlotte stopped talking for a moment and looked forward.

It was because the First Princess had climbed onto the platform after she finished her tour with the Imperial Knights.

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