Untitled Part 174

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Chapter 438: Welcome to Crack Land (1)

'Ha, these bastards' dispositions and characteristics are extremely average.'

In the end, I had decided to choose the most ordinary group of all. This was because I knew they were the ones who would be the least affected by my special characteristic.

The same went for the female members.

They didn't have a perfect personality like Kim Hyunsung or Elena of the past, but at least they weren't people who sported a distorted disposition. Still, they were the types who refused to let me engage in serious conversation with them.

The rest, however, seemed to do their best to talk to me every chance they got. They even seemed to be trying to gain my favor as well.

I understood their motives quite well because I was also a man. Not only did they act as if they would give me everything they had, but it also seemed to me like they were willing to even lick the spaces between my toes.

They were completely far from my type, but I couldn't help but realize that Lee Kiyeon was far more attractive than I thought. Due to that, the four female members of the Friendship Clan were glaring even harder at me. I wanted to push them away too, but nothing ever worked.

I was receiving kindness beyond what a party member actually deserved.

They hadn't done anything nonsensical, as if they didn't have the guts, but I couldn't help but feel like they were becoming more and more annoying.

'At least we arrived.'

I had a hard time enduring the men's desperate actions and the women's contemptuous gazes, but in the end, I succeeded in coming there without any further troubles.

'I guess I will do a massage with a potion later. Fuck... My legs are hurting like hell.'

Although I didn't achieve anything great, I considered the march itself to be a challenge. I couldn't remember walking that much, except during the tutorial dungeon.

At the time, I didn't notice it because I was moving desperately, but now that I always had a full belly and a roof over my head, it already felt ridiculous having to traverse such a distance manually.

However, I wasn't annoyed when I finally arrived.

'She did better than I thought.'

Contrary to Lee Jihye's statement about the subpar quality due to lack of time, the quality seemed really high. The roads had been properly paved, and while there were many places under construction, some places already resembled what looked like a proper shopping mall.

The size of the construction was almost certainly as big as a major city.

That wasn't enough, considering humans from all over the continent would be visiting.

'It'll definitely be better after a week or so.'

This proved to be my first impression of Crack Land.

"We're here."

"I think there are more people than I thought. Haha."

"It's definitely more than we expected."

"Absolutely. I don't know if we'll be able to get in today."

"We probably will. I heard that it could support a large number of people in the first place. I think it would be better to register first. Even if it's a little later than intended, won't we be able to go in tomorrow?"

'We're a little late.'

Overall, however, I didn't think it was all that bad.

Anyway, the party had to recover from the march, and I had to look around the place a little more. I needed to know exactly how things were going.

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