The Proper Suitor

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Izuku Midoryia, the prince of the kingdom Musutafu; 18 years old, has a boyfriend from another domain. His name is Katsuki Bakugou.

Izuku was at his desk in his chambers. He has to pick a proper suitor as king Toshinori and queen Inko have requested him to. They said they would give him time, but didn't tell him when it would be stopped. Never gave him a deadline. Soon, there was a knock and the maid came in.

"Prince Midoryia?" Ochaco Uraraka came in and did her courtesy.

Izuku stood from his chair.

"Please, when we are alone feel free to call me Izuku." He smiled.

"Well, Izuku. The king and queen request your presents in the council room."

"Thank you, Ochaco. I will be there immediately."

With that, Ochaco bowed respectfully and left his room.

Izuku fixed up the papers on his desk and put the feathered pen back in the ink well. He fixed up his shirt and vest before leaving his room. He walked down a few stairs and many hallways. He stopped before a large corridor. Izuku took a deep breath before opening it.

Inko and Toshinori stood up as the prince entered the room. They and the green-haired prince bowed before seating.

"My son, as you know we gave you time to find a proper suitor, or we would have had to give the throne to someone else," Inko spoke.

"Yes, mother. I understand."

"My boy, it has been so long since we have decided on a suitor for you," Toshinori added.

Izuku's heart dropped. His eyes widened, looking at both of them.

"I-I-I" Izuku couldn't even muster the words.

He wants to say he has one, but would Katsuki be ready? The alpha is supposed to ask the omega of the heir to the realm for their hand. Maybe if he just asked him or told him what was happening, would he accept it?

"Izuku, don't stutter!" Inko stated firmly.

"Mother! I already have a suitor!"

"Who?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Katsuki Bakugou! The prince of Shizuoka!"

"King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki's boy..." Inko mumbled.

Anger plastered her face, her eyebrows frowned and her jaw clenched.

"Why didn't you say so? We need to set up an engagement party at once!" The king said.

"Toshinori! That foul boy?! Being with my Izuku?!"

The queen was furious. She didn't like him for his manners. Especially since his attitude needs an adjustment in her opinion.

"He is not foul! He is kind-hearted, sweet, gentle, and loving!" Izuku said angrily.

"Don't you raise your voice at your mother!"

"How must I not!? Narnishing Katsuki's name that way!"

"I'm sure Young Bakugou is a nice boy. Now run along! Tell him the news!" The king stated.

Izuku left the council room. He was headed back to his chambers. On his way, he saw a loyal knight, Tenya Ida. He stopped in his tracks.


"Prince Midoriya!" He bowed.

"Fetch me a horse. I need to go to Shizuoka."

"Yes, your highness!"

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