The Engagement Party

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Izuku made it back to the castle safely. Tenya escorted him inside the cast, and he then returned outside to return the horses to the castle stables. Izuku went to his chambers, sat at his desk, and saw the papers. There was a knock at the door, and the king entered.


"Toshinori." Izuku stood from his chair.

"We got the messenger hawk. We plan the engagment party to be tomorrow, high noon to be precise. "

"I see."

"Young Bakugou will be here before then. We will send the hawk back during prime of morning. He will stay in a separate room from you."


"Your mother... She differs that you should marry prince Bakugou. She argued with me, saying we should do an arranged marriage."

Izuku looks at the stone floor. He doesn't want to marry anyone else but Katsuki.

"I welcome young Bakugou to be the next king. As long as he makes you happy."

"He does." Izuku looked up. "I will be honest. When I saw him today to talk about the proper suitor for me, I was very much anxious. I began to cry since I was worried."

"Why were you worried, my boy?"

"Because I didn't know if he was ready. I mean, once again, I will be honest. I didn't have a proper suitor at all. I wasn't engaged until I saw Katsuki."

"I had a feeling that's what was going to happen. You fooled your mother quite well. Now you have a proper suitor."

"I do. He asked me to marry him, Toshinori. His parents asked him about a proper suitor as well. We are engaged. I won't be getting an engagement ring until tomorrow."

"I am sure it will be absolutely beautiful, Izuku." Toshinori smiled at him.

"I believe it will be too." He smiled back.

The king stepped out, leaving Izuku alone. Izuku stretched, noticing how high the moon was in the night when he looked out the clear glass window. He took off his belts and vest, leaving him in a comfortable shirt. He set them on the chest in front of his bed. Izuku quickly changed his pants into his nighttime pants. He got into bed comfortably and looked at the ceiling. The green-haired prince swiftly fell asleep, exhausted from the anxiety that day.


Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Prince Midoriya, it's time to wake up."

Izuku sat up in bed with a groan and a stretch. He rubbed his eyes and looked at who was talking.

"Oh, Tenya? Good morning." He smiled.

"Good morning, prince Midoriya. I was requested to wake you. Maid Ochaco will be here some time today with your special required outfit for today."

There was another knock at the door.

"Idia sir?" A short dirty blond haired male appeared in the doorway.

"Yes, Monoma?"

"The king and queen advised that I shadow you for today."

"Certainly! Come."

Monoma stepped in, standing next to Tenya.

"Prince Midoriya, this is Monoma Neito. He is a new knight we recruited."

"Nice to meet you, Monoma." Izuku smiled.

"Likewise, prince." Monoma kneeled.

"We will be taking our leave. Please get dressed and head to the main dining room for breakdast."

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