What They Like To See From The Future King

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Everyone in the room continued having the food and drinks that were provided. Izuku got a bit overwhelmed by everyone asking him questions and congratulating him. Don't get him wrong, he loves his people and doesn't want to disappoint them; however, he needs to take a small break. It was becoming too much for the newly engaged omega.

He snuck through the hallway and up the stairs to the balcony. Izuku looked out at the people's homes and how the lights from the city shined. He looked down at the garden and saw the stringed lights. Izuku cocked an eyebrow. When did those appear? They certainly weren't there earlier. The green-haired omega felt two arms wrap around his waist. His head turned to see the only love of his life. They smiled before they both looked out at the city.

"How did you know I was here?" Izuku asked.

"I had a feeling you were going to become overwhelmed. For starters, you always go to a balcony for fresh air." Katsuki put his head on Izuku's shoulder.

"I do have to ask... Was it you who had them put up the lights in the garden?"

"I..." The alpha lifted his head. "There is nothing wrong with planning early."

Izuku giggled and turned around. He put his arms around Katsuki's neck and smiled.

"There isn't."

Katsuki pulled his lover closer and kissed him.

"Kacchan..." Izuku pulled him closer to whisper in his ear, "Mark me..."

"Izuku, I can't right now."

Katsuki pulled him away, only to see sweat coming from his skin, his face was flushed, and he felt hot to the touch. Izuku's legs gave out, only to be caught by Katsuki. They sat on the ground, and the blond hugged the green-hair boy.

"I will be right back. I am sure there is a potion to help stop or surpress it. I will ask the king." Katsuki stood up.

"Kacchan," Izuku grabbed his arm, "I want children... Don't you want a heir to the throne?"

"Izuku, listen to me. You're in heat. I need you to stay here and not move, do you understand? I will be right back."

Izuku nodded and let go.

Katsuki quickly went back to the ballroom. He made sure to sneak back in so no one knew he and Izuku were gone. He made his way to Toshinori and tapped his shoulder.

"Yes, young Bakugou?"

"Izuku's heat started. I have him in a safe spot. However, I do need a potion or something to help stop or supress it." He whispered.

Toshinori nodded and called for the maid, Tsu. He whispered to her and asked her to be quiet about it.

"Of course, your majesty."

"Good. Please bring the potion to..." Toshinori looked at Katsuki.

"The balcony that has the garden in full view. I will meet you there."

She nodded and went to get the potion.


"Yes, dear?"

"Your son has gone into heat."

Her eyes widened and she looked at Toshinori.

"He is safe. Bakugou is here so that his alpha instincts don't do anything. We already set for him to have a potion."

With that; they saw Tsu with a bottle and going through the hallway door. Katsuki quickly followed.

They went to Izuku, who was hyperventilating. The tall alpha quickly went to Izuku, pulling him into his lap, and hugging him. Tsu handed Katsuki the bottle. He lifted Izuku's head and saw the young man had tears in his eyes.

That was the sign of anxiety mixed with pain.

"Izuku, I need you to drink this. It will help you, I promise."

The omega shakily held the bottle and drank it. Katsuki handed the bottle back to Tsu and looked at him.

"I know I am not in charge. But please let there be a beta guard be outside his bedroom for tonight. To make sure he is safe and no one tries to do anything to him."

"Yes, of course, Prince Bakugou." She bowed and left.

Katsuki rubbed Izuku's back soothingly. He was trying very hard to calm his omega down the best he could.

"Kacchan, I'm sorry. I let my heat get the best of me."

"It's okay." He kissed Izuku's cheek.

Soon, Katsuki helped the green-haired prince stand up and help him to his room. He had him sit on his bed while he took a seat in the chair by the desk. The blond took the feathered pen out of the ink well and a blank piece of paper.

"How about we make plans for the wedding? To help get your mind off of what caused your anxiety."

Izuku smiled and nodded.

"Well... I want to wear white. I know it's not proper for a male to wear white at a wedding, but I want to."

Katsuki wrote down that his love wanted to wear white.

"How about I wear black? Since it's the proper thing to do."

Izuku nodded.

"Oh! Since I have to have a flower bouquet. How about green and orange roses? Since it's our colors?" Izuku blushed a bit.

"Anything my bride wants."

"Strings lights have already been added. Hm..." The blond thought for a moment. "We can do lanterns. Before the party ends after saying our vows, we can finish it by letting laterns into the sky."

"I love that, Kacchan. Who knew you could also have a soft side the planning." The green prince teased.

"Don't make me removed it." Katsuki teased back.


They both giggled and continued to plan the wedding. Katsuki thought of the idea of Izuku wearing a dress. Of course, he said no since it was against the proper rules and he blushed.

"I..." Izuku began to whisper, "I wouldn't mind wearing one, it would just be against the proper rules."

"I can always talk to, Toshinori and your mother."


"Okay, okay. I was just suggesting."

The blond wrote everything down before getting up from the chair. He walked over to the omega and kissed him on the forehead.

"I can't wait to marry you." The green-haired boy said to his lover.

"Me too." The alpha pulled his omega into a hug.

There was a knock at the door, and they looked to see. It was Tenya. He kneeled before speaking.

"Prince, I was told to gaurd your door tonight."

"Thank you."

"Well, I am going to head back down to the event. Sleep well, Izuku."

"Good night, Kacchan."

Izuku smiled at Katsuki, and the blond could never get tired of his beautiful smile. He gave Izuku a quick kiss before leaving. The door was closed, and Tenya stood in front of it, beginning his guarding. Katsuki went back to the event and stood next to Toshinori. The king noticed his presents.

"How is he?"

"The potion worked, and I had to help him walk. He is in his bedroom, and Tenya is gaurding his door tonight upon my orders."

"Ah, of course. Good. That's something we want to see from the future king." Toshinori nodded.

Katsuki felt a relief taken off his shoulders. He was happy to hear that from the king. The blond was worried about him being king and what Toshinori thought of him.

What they like to see from the future king.

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