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The kingdom of Musutafu didn't know of Inko's doings or causes. That's all Toshinori said Inko is no longer queen. That's all they know about her discrown. Upon Izuku's request, to not tell the kingdom what happened.

Izuku was getting dressed to stay with Katsuki in his room. The weather was becoming frigid, and it caused the green-haired male to shiver slightly.

"According to the fortune-teller," Katsuki began, "It should snow by the time we leave to go back."

Izuku turned his head and smiled at the alpha.

"That's okay. That means I can stay longer with you. Plus, it would be nice to have a snow wedding."

"Planning dates already, are we?" Katsuki smiled.

"Maybe, maybe not." Izuku finished fixing his shirt and sat on his bed, "Plus, if I get cold, I have you to keep me warm."

"Damn straight!" The blond sat beside the greenette on the bed, "I will keep warm whenever. Especially when we have our honeymoon, I will definitely keep you warm in the be-"

"Kacchan!" The omega blushed.

Katsuki laughed as he put an arm around the omega's shoulders and drew Izuku into a hug.

Izuku hid his face in his soon-to-be-husband's chest. He already knows his first time will be on their honeymoon. However, he wants it to be cherished. He wants it to be a special moment. Of course, he wants children, but he has to wait for his heat to do that.

"Your rambling again, Izuku."

"Oh... Sorry..." The omega pulled back.

Katsuki looked down at his mate and cupped his face in his hands.

He smiled lightly before kissing him. Izuku kissed back, putting his hands on Katsuki's shoulders. The alpha pulled the omega onto his lap and moved his hands to his waist. Izuku straddled his fiance, putting his arms around his neck, and continued to kiss.

Katsuki started to give the male with green hair gentle kisses on the neck. Izuku's heart sped up, and butterflies in his stomach. The blond smoothly licked the scent glands of his fiance, causing the omega to gasp.

"K-Kacchan..." Izuku gripped Katsuki's, "We can't..."

Katsuki delicately began to nibble on the scent gland. Izuku began to panic, releasing distress pheromones. Tears were threatening to spill from his green eyes.

"Katsuki." The omega said loud enough for the alpha to hear.

Katsuki lifted his head and looked at those emerald orbs he was madly in love with. He could smell the distress and see it in his eyes.

"Shit..." Katsuki wiped the omega's tears with his thumb, "I'm so sorry, Izuku. Fuck, I'm sorry."

The blonde wasn't intending to. In the heat of the moment, Katsuki lavishes Izuku with affection and expresses his love for the omega.

He pressed his forehead against the freckled one. He put both hands on Izuku's face and wiped his tears with his thumbs.

"It's okay, Kacchan. It just startled me and made me nervous is all." Izuku reassured with a smile.

The blond smiled back, giving the greenette a quick peck.

"Hey, we should go to bed." The alpha said.

Izuku nodded and got into the bed with Katsuki. The omega cuddled into the warm chest of his alpha. The blonde wrapped his arms around the greennete and planted a kiss on his head.

Izuku sat at his desk, and there was a knock at the door. The door opened, and Toshinori and Tenya appeared. The king looked at the two princes, staring at the green one and then the blond who sat on the bed.

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