I'll protect you

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It's been 4 weeks since the wedding. Izuku was currently walking through the garden, taking notes about the different flowers. Katsuki was dealing with papers. Only the first few days as king, and he is already busy. Former King Toshinori was helping him, and teaching him how to do the papers correctly. Izuku lowered his head and sighed, closing his writing book. He perked his head up to hear whispers and gasps. He stood from his spot and went around the tall hedge bush. There stood all the female servants doing the laundry, hanging up clothes on lines with pins, and washing them as they should.

Izuku cleared his throat and startled them all.

"Q-Q-Queen Bakugou!" They all said as they bowed.

Izuku giggled at the formality.

"You all know, you don't have to call me queen when it's just us." He smiled.

"Yes! Of course, Izuku!" Ochaco said bubbly. "We should get back to our duties for the day."

"Of course." The queen nodded and started to walk away.

"Wait..." Tsuyu began, "Shouldn't we tell him-"

"SSSSHHHH!!!" Ocacho covered the green-haired girl's mouth.

Izuku stopped in his tracks and faced the two.

"Excuse me?" The green-haired man asked.

"It's nothing... Really!"

"Ururaka...." Izuku stared at her in the eyes.

"Okay! There is a possibility that the king is in the meeting room with someone else!"

Izuku laughed, trying not to drop his writing book on the floor.

"It's a meeting room! Of course he is in there with someone else!" He continued to laugh.

"No, Izuku... She means someone else..." Tsuyu looked down with a saddened expression.

Izuku stopped laughing and fixed himself up.

"I-If you excuse me..." The queen walked away.

Izuku hurriedly walked through the castle halls and went to where his husband was. The meeting room. He was a little out of breath, however caught it. Without knocking, he opened the door. The small male tilted his head in confusion. Shouldn't Katsuki be at the desk? He walked in more, and the door shut behind him with a slam. Izuku dropped his book and grabbed the door handle. He jiggled it only to find it's locked. The omega began to bang on the door, hoping someone would hear him. Distress pheromones were coming from the omega.

"Help!! I'm locked in here!!" He wailed.

In the other room, on the other side of the castle, Katsuki was in the knight's training yard. A knight came back from his mission that had taken months to finish. He was sent by Toshinori before the alpha and omega got married. However, Katsuki didn't know it was a trick.

Once he stepped into the arena, all the gates from all sides closed. He was stuck.

"HUH!? What's going on?!" The blond was confused.

The sound of footsteps and the crunching of small pebbles on the ground made Katsuki turn around, wielding his sword from his side. A man with deep purple hair and tired-looking eyes

"Who are you?" The kind alpha narrowed his eyes at the tall man.

"Ah... So you're the angry blond Monoma mentioned."

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